
Murdoch-owned Sunday Times ENDORSES Labour and Starmer

If you’re looking for final nails to hammer into that Conservative coffin, this is a good place to start. The Sunday Times, a publication owned by Rupert Murdoch and strongly aligned with the centre-right, has officially endorsed Labour on Sunday.

ALSO READ: It could soon be possible to walk the length and breadth of England without stepping foot in a Tory seat

Labour receive a ringing endorsement… from the Sunday Times

The ballot boxes for the General Election open this week. On Thursday 4 July, tens of millions of Brits look likely to bring an end to 14 years of Tory rule. A slew of opinion polls are still forecasting that the party will struggle to fetch 20% of the vote.

The current government has been plagued by various scandals and poor leadership. Unable to turn it round in the 18 months of Rishi Sunak’s premiership, Labour now look set to run the country for the next five years – with the blessing of the Sunday Times.

Tories savaged by Sunday Times editorial

Today, the publication has conceded that the Tories have ‘forfeited their right to govern’, calling for a ‘radical reset’ in the process. Echoing Keir Starmer’s own campaign message, the Sunday Times firmly states that ‘change is the only option’:

“The Conservatives have in effect forfeited the right to govern. In opposition they must regroup, rejuvenate, reject internecine fighting and stop blaming everyone else for their woes. Britain now needs a radical reset.”

“Starmer’s apparent colonisation of the centre ground means Labour is now ready to step into the void vacated by the Tories.”

“We cannot go on as we are. Now the right time for Labour to be entrusted with restoring competence to government. The exhausted Conservatives are neither up to it nor up for it. There comes a time when change is the only option.” | Sunday Times

Centre-right press soften stance on Starmer

The support has been warmly received by senior figures within Labour, including the Shadow Health Secretary Wes Streeting. He insists that the party will not be resting on their laurels for the next few days, and encouraged voters to ‘play their part’…

“The Sunday Times backs Labour. We’re not complacent about the election on Thursday or the scale of the challenge beyond. Britain needs change. If you want change, you have to vote for it. Be part of it.” | Wes Streeting

Tom Head

Hailing from Nottingham, Tom Head has had a journalism career that's taken him across the world. He spent five years as a political reporter in South Africa, specialising in the production digital content. The 30-year-old has two cats, a wonderful wife, and a hairline that's steadily making a retreat.

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Tags: Sunday Times