
A new low? Braverman’s plan to ban homeless from sleeping in tents causes outrage

Even by her standards, this is something else. Suella Braverman has once again ignited the fires of division, after she confirmed that her department was looking to restrict the use of tents amongst the homeless and destitute.

Suella Braverman plumbs new depths with homeless policy

In a scarcely-believable turn of events, the Home Secretary took to Twitter (X) to suggest that those living in tents are doing it as a ‘lifestyle choice’. She even suggested that many of those on the streets ‘are from abroad’. How on-brand.

The Financial Times reported that Suella Braverman’s plans could see the introduction of a new civil order offence, which would deter charities from giving tents to the homeless if their usage could be deemed ‘a nuisance’. Braverman, meanwhile, is sticking to her guns.

“The British people are compassionate. We will always support those who are genuinely homeless. But we cannot allow our streets to be taken over by rows of tents occupied by people, many of them from abroad, living on the streets as a lifestyle choice.”

“What I want to stop, and what the law abiding majority wants us to stop, is those who cause nuisance and distress to other people by pitching tents in public spaces, aggressively begging, stealing, taking drugs, littering, and blighting our communities.” | Suella Braverman

Plans to criminalise tents for the homeless spark backlash

The plans have been met with open-mouthed disbelief. The Home Secretary is known for her willingness to stir controversy, and this isn’t the first time one of her proposed policies has been branded inhumane. Labour front-bencher Lisa Nandy has led the condemnation:

“Even by this current government’s standards, this is a disgraceful idea. Imagine looking at the housing and homelessness crisis that you have presided over and thinking, I know, let’s take away their tents.” | Lisa Nandy

Braverman told to take accountability for ‘shameful’ situation

Green MP and former party leader Caroline Lucas has also shared her dismay. She echoes the sentiments raised by Nandy, arguing that Braverman and her colleagues are directly responsible for the ‘shameful’ crisis amongst Britain’s homeless population

“Suella Braverman seeking to criminalise charities giving tents to people who are destitute. Wonder if it’s occurred to her that tents are needed because we have a shameful homelessness crisis caused by the cruel, failing government she represents.” | Caroline Lucas

Tom Head

Hailing from Nottingham, Tom Head has had a journalism career that's taken him across the world. He spent five years as a political reporter in South Africa, specialising in the production digital content. The 30-year-old has two cats, a wonderful wife, and a hairline that's steadily making a retreat.

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