Categories: Politics

“Stop Brexit” campaigner chased and knocked over by group of “far right fascists”

“Stop Brexit” campaigner Steve Bray was chased and knocked over by a group of “far right fascists” whilst protesting outside parliament yesterday.

The 50-year-old, who wore his typical EU-inspired ensemble, was filmed being taunted by a group of men, one of whom stole his ‘stop Brexit’ hat.

When he chased them down he was tripped over, damaging his megaphone as the men in the background laugh.

Not a good herald of things to come

The video was originally posted by those involved, but was shared by journalist Mike Stuchbery who warned the incident was “not a good herald of things to come”.

He wrote: “A pack of young Brexiteers attacked Remain protester Steve Bray in London yesterday, damaging his equipment and leaving him with light injuries.

“The thugs were stupid enough to film their violence.

“Repugnant, and not a good herald of things to come.”

Ugly face of Nationalism

Bray confirmed the incident on Facebook, saying that he suffered superficial cuts to his leg and a “feeble effort punch to the face”.

He wrote: “Yesterday SODEM (Stand of Defiance European Movement) backed a protest at Downing Street headed by Legally Privileged.

“At the time of leaving the protest we were followed, harassed and I was set on by 6 to 8 far right fascists.

“This is the ugly face of Nationalism and thuggery, something we strive to stamp out and in all honesty happens time and time again to many of us.

“I’ll let the Police deal with this in the meantime.”

Bray said the incident has made him more determined to continue to fight for Remainers.

Related: Brexit Party MEP worries UK will no longer have a voice in Europe in last EU parliament sitting

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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