
Steve Bray banned from Parliament and Whitehall after blasting music during Sunak’s speech

Steve Bray says he has been banned from every street around Whitehall and Parliament after blasting music during the prime minister’s General Election speech.

The protester, who played Things Can Only Get Better during Rishi Sunak’s address to the nation, said he chose the New Labour tune because it was the “top trolling song for the Conservatives”.

He added that his protest outside Downing Street was paused when his two amplifiers became soaked and stopped working during heavy rain in Westminster.

Police also got involved, serving him with an order that banned him from protesting in Whitehall and Parliament after two complaints were received.

Speaking from near Westminster Abbey, Mr Bray told the PA news agency: “I thought about what would be the best trolling tune if he announced the election.

“And of course, it had to be Things Can Only Get Better. Because everybody can relate to that and the 1997 election.

“I didn’t do it for Labour. I did it because it was the top trolling song for the Conservatives.”

ALSO READ: Let Bray Play

Responding to complaints that people could not hear the speech in Downing Street because of his protest, Mr Bray said: “Look at the damage Sunak’s done to the country.

“If they couldn’t hear the speech, it’s still reported. They’ll know what he said.”

He added: “Of course, the police are trying to shut us down all the time. Both of the amps got soaked and they blew anyway.

“It was just so wet today. Water got into them and they were just gone.

“I’ll just buy some more.”

Wearing a hat in the blue and yellow colours of the EU, Mr Bray said that he would be continuing his protests during the election campaign, adding: “Protest is all about sound and vision.”

Related: Sunak calls a General Election: 20 jubilant reactions that sum up the nation’s mood

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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