
Rudy Giuliani surrenders at jail in Georgia election case

Rudy Giuliani surrendered to authorities in Georgia on Wednesday, on charges alleging he acted as former US president Donald Trump’s chief co-conspirator in a plot to subvert the 2020 election.

The former New York City mayor, celebrated as “America’s mayor” for his leadership after 9/11, is charged with Mr Trump and 17 other people under Georgia’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organisations Act.

His bail has been set at 150,000 dollars (£118,000), second only to Mr Trump’s 200,000 dollars (£157,000)

Prison records showed he was booked on Wednesday afternoon.

Mr Giuliani, 79, is accused of spearheading Mr Trump’s efforts to compel state lawmakers in Georgia and other closely contested states to ignore the will of voters and illegally appoint electoral college electors favourable to Mr Trump.

Georgia was one of several key states Mr Trump lost by slim margins, prompting the Republican and his allies to proclaim, without evidence, that the election was rigged in favour of his Democratic rival Joe Biden.

Mr Giuliani is charged with making false statements and soliciting false testimony, conspiring to create phony paperwork and asking state lawmakers to violate their oath of office to appoint an alternate slate of pro-Trump electors.

Fulton County district attorney Fani Willis has said that, if convicted, Mr Giuliani will be sentenced to prison.

Mr Giuliani has denied wrongdoing, saying he had a right to raise questions about what he believed to be election fraud.

He has called the indictment “an affront to American democracy” and an “out and out assault on the First Amendment”.

“I’m feeling very, very good about it because I feel like I am defending the rights of all Americans, as I did so many times as a United States attorney,” Mr Giuliani told reporters as he left his apartment in New York on Wednesday.

He said he is “fighting for justice” and has been since he first started representing Mr Trump.

Mr Trump, the early front-runner in the 2024 Republican presidential primary, has said he plans to turn himself in at the Fulton County Jail on Thursday.

He and his allies have characterised the investigation as politically motivated.

Mr Giuliani criticised the indictment of lawyers beside himself who had worked for Mr Trump and said the justice system was being politicised.

He also highlighted the fact that some of the people indicted are not household names.

“Donald Trump told you this, they weren’t just coming for him or me,” Mr Giuliani said.

“Now they’ve indicted people in this case I don’t even know who they are. These are just regular people making a normal living.”

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Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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