It even includes a handful of signatories from people living in British Antarctic Territory, which does not have a permanent population.
On average, it took almost half a million votes to elect each Green MP, compared to just 24,000 for each elected Labour representative.
Starmer has previously said that he is also seeking a better deal on trade than the one concluded by Boris Johnson back in late 2020.
'So a Brexit referendum can never be challenged or revisited because of the “will of the people”. But a general election a few months ago delivering a historic landslide and 5 years in power can be ignored and everyone should sign a petition calling for another go.'
Ladies and gentlemen, we give you the former minister of government efficiencies!
The people who brought you 'Leave Means Leave' are now banging the drum for a re-run of the 2024 General Election.
Will this be the first brick in the Red Wall to turn green? New polling data shows that Labour are set to lose seats to the Green Party.
In the court of public opinion, a significant trade deal with the EU is proving to be more popular than an equivalent US option.
Jeremy Clarkson may think he's the farmer's champion - but Ian Hislop has perfectly explained why he shouldn't be. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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