Moves to remove hereditary peers will be debated in the House of Lords this week after the bill sailed through the Commons.
After his intelligence was ribbed by a popular social media account, Lee Anderson wasn't in the mood to simply laugh it off.
“Any effort to bring down the cost of living must start with making trade easier by negotiating an alignment with the EU" - Best for Britain
That might just be the sound of the penny dropping for the Labour government, after Angela Rayner took a swipe at Brexit.
In what is now being referred to as a 'Brexit problem', the UK's tap water supply is facing something of a safety crisis.
“Migrants, illegal or legal, weren’t responsible for austerity. Migrants and ‘illegals’ were not responsible for Brexit. Migrants were not responsible for Liz Truss’ failure of leadership.”
The shadow chancellor said Truss's mini-budget "severely damaged" the Conservative's mantle of economic fiscal competence "at a stroke".
“You’re the worst winner because you’ve never taken responsibility for what you have won."
Long-standing Labour MP Emily Thornberry is also set to be awarded a damehood. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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