Seventeen going on fifty

By Haridos Apostolides, US Correspondent Even delayed decisions are giving hope to same-sex couples On Saturday morning hundreds of same-sex couples marched down the aisle to county offices across Michigan in order to exchange vows, only to have that right halted mere hours later by an appeals court. Friday welcomed the northern territory into the growing gang of states which allow same-sex marriages after a voter-approved ban was struck down by Federal District Court Judge, Bernard A. Friedman, for its unconstitutional...

A better Europe starts with yourself

By Pieter Cranenbroek – International Politics Blogger The European elections won’t be held for another two months but the four biggest political parties in Britain are already warming up to it. After Nick Clegg challenged Nigel Farage to an old-fashioned duel, Ed Miliband and David Cameron have been dragged into the Europe debate as well. Let’s hope two things will have become clear to the British voter by the end of May: the European elections do matter and Britain, for Europe’s...

Can the US resist a Twenty-First Century Cold War?

By Haridos Apostolides, US Correspondent Once again President Obama is facing resistance in his flanks, handling more than just the Russians over the Ukraine situation. Congressional Republicans in Washington have demanded more action be taken, believing the current sanctions against the Russians are not enough. Senator John McCain denounced the reprimands, calling them “wholly inadequate” for trying to force only a handful of Russians into compliance. Further right, Tea Party darling Senator Ted Cruz criticized the White House’s current procedures...

The Kurds’ White House Refusal

By Lock Bailey Iraqi-Kurdistan President Barzani turned down a White House invitation last month.  Barzani has asked the American government for years to remove the Kurdish people from Washington’s terrorist list yet he has been denied each time.  Barzani’s refusal to visit sends a clear plea: The Kurds are not terrorists, but a peaceful people long oppressed and victims of genocide. In 1988, at the tail end of the eight year war between Iraq and Iran, Saddam Hussein and his Ba’ath pilots...

The Budget and the Bigger Picture

By Tim Stacey from The Equality Trust This week is Budget week and there’s been plenty of talk about the tax and spending changes that could be announced. These include increasing the personal tax allowance, which is talked about in terms of helping ‘low earners’, and raising the starting point for the 40p tax rate, which is believed to help those on ‘middle incomes’. The focus of these tax measures, and usage of these terms, suggests a slightly skewed view is present...

The Gay Marriage Question

The abominable human rights questions being raised over gay marriage will fall on deaf ears until we start asking the right question. Equality has never been the issue. There’s some bizarre notion that members of the clergy come out in a rash when confronted with same-sex marriage, wielding their crucifix and throwing holy water at the door to protect the church against a new ‘fad’ that is sure to fade in the same way the punk rock movement’s brand of...

Bibi and Obama’s Failed Marriage

By Lock Bailey If opposites truly do attract, then there could be no better chemistry than that of US President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. Unfortunately, opposites make the poorest couplings in foreign relations—and Bibi and Obama prove this true. Obama is quite left and Netanyahu is quite right, to understate these antipodal leaders. Netanyahu showed favor in Republican nominee Mitt Romney in the 2008 elections, for example (years earlier the two of them worked in The...

Will We Commit a Syrial Offense?

By Lock Bailey One may criticise the United States' involvement in other countries and in other regions' affairs and do so justifiably. Yet often within the very same condemning breath one may also plead for the United States' involvement and intervention in another area of the world. The Civil War in Syria is one such tragedy that yells such ambivalent commands to the doorstep of the White House. The Syrian Civil War rolls steadily on - this month marks the third...

President Clinton: The Sequel

By Haridos Apostolides, US Correspondent  Hillary Rodham Clinton will run for President of the United States in 2016 OK. It’s not confirmed yet, but it does seem fairly certain; Hillary Clinton will run for presidency in 2016. There won’t, of course, be an announcement for another twelve months or so as the focus for now will most likely be on the midterm elections in November as the Democrats and Republicans try to regain control of the House and Senate respectively. Already,...

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