Get out my Country

By Sean Michael Wilson Has any one else picked up on a perverse territorial defence mechanism being used against immigrants who challenge aspects of their adopted country? I recently saw a Japanese person say the following to a foreign person on Facebook during a long debate involving several people, both Japanese and non-Japanese: “…if you don't like Japan, you can get out from Japan any time you want!!! This is not your country. Why don't you go back to your country…” It was...

Parliamentary Sketch 24th June – Desperate Immigrants Broadband

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor There were three questions about broadband and mobile phone coverage in rural areas during today’s session, let that sink in for a moment (or while your connection buffers if you’re in the shires). I know it’s important that people in Long Melford can browse the internet/watch pornography at the same speed as us urban dwellers, but surely it’s not the most pressing issue at the moment. Perhaps I’m wrong, although I’m fairly certain the three...

Runnymede Eco-Village wins court battle asserting rights under Magna Carta

By Nathan Lee, TLE Correspondent  Community members from Runnymede Eco-Village are celebrating a momentous win after their application for leave to appeal to the Court of Appeal, asserting rights under Magna Carta, was adjourned by a High Court judge. In what was described by Pete Phoenix as a "major victory for civil liberties and land rights", bailiffs for luxury property developers at the Runnymede site have been told to stand down after the High Court in London granted them a stay...

Crimea, Maidan and Ostriches: A Reflection of Ukraine Turmoil

By Nathan Lee, TLE Correspondent  The current, ongoing crisis in Ukraine is the most devastating manifestation of East vs West tensions seen since the Cold War era. The Iron Curtain that now runs along the East of Ukraine already bores a physical scar since the annexation of Crimea by Russia on 18 March. Unrest in Donetsk and Luhansk between the post-revolutionary Ukrainian government and pro-Russian insurgents could lead to further splits as Putin takes scissor to cloth, remarking territorial boundaries as he sweeps...

Parliamentary sketch 17th June – Hi-vis Osborne leaves Labour opaque

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Today’s PMQs were considered, respectful and...boring. This might be what the public claim they want, but would they actually watch that every week? I mean who doesn’t tune in for live environmental, food and rural affairs questions with Liz Truss on BBC Parliament (Thurs 9.30am, as if you didn’t know). Hilary Benn stood in for, well, an empty space and Gideon took up the reins for the Tories. Perhaps they could have given the Labour...

In Defence of Freedom of Conscience

By David Binder What do the recent 'gay cake' case, the same sex marriage referendum in Ireland and the British government's aspirations for ‘’snooper’s charter' all have in common? The answer lies in the fact that they all bring into question how we define and uphold both equality and liberty. It seems that these two values are increasingly being seen as diametric opposites when in actual fact they should be seen as bedfellows. Whilst I don't wish to discuss the...

Parliamentary sketch 10th June – It’s quoting not gloating dear

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor I remember when I was boy and I misbehaved with my mates, my mum would say “stop showing off in front of your friends,” and it had the desired effect, of shaming me into silence. It ruined my self-confidence and I barely spoke to another human until years of counselling, but that’s another story. Well this was the trick Harriet Harman used on the PM today, and it worked…a bit. Obviously the PM is fully...

Parliamentary Sketch 3rd June – Sepp aside for the really power hungry

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor It’s almost the same amount of time between the start of Sepp Blatter’s presidency of FIFA and the last majority Tory Government. Then the football dictator stepped down the day before the first pure-blooded Conservative PMQs, some coincidence surely? “Wow, they made Michael Gove  Justice Secretary? I can’t compete with that level of malevolence,” he was heard to say, as he handed himself into the Feds. When they were last in power people sent text...

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