By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Labour have attacked David Cameron for a "shameless attempt to buy votes" after it is claimed 83 per cent of additional cash set aside for cash strapped councils will go to Conservative authorities. £300 million of transitional support is being shared out to soften the impact of tough reforms that do away with revenue support grants. Instead greater reliance on local business rates is supposed to plug the hole in finances. However, analysis by Labour has...
By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor The seven day NHS contract on junior doctors will be imposed against their will. Jeremy Hunt brought a close to the "damaging" issue over Saturday pay - the final flash point almost three years ago to the day talks began. NHS chief negotiator Sir David Dalton gave him the green light after a last minute offer to doctors' union the British Medical Association was turned down. Mr Hunt said: "He has asked me to end...
By Harold Stone The Socialist Worker has leaked a letter from Nick Boles MP, which shows the government weighing concessions to the Trade Union Bill “in order to avoid losing a vote”. A frequenter of the Bilderberg Club (not to be confused with the Bullingdon Club), Nick Boles is not particularly renowned for his transparency. Not that he isn’t entitled to discuss the ins and outs of our nation’s democratic legislation in private. The leaked letter is important, because it...
By David Fleming A cold, wet and windy Saturday in Dublin played host to a serious of events against the establishment of an Irish branch of the European far-right Pegida movement. Pegida Ireland had called for a demonstration to be held outside Dublin’s iconic GPO at 3pm on Saturday the 6th of February to coincide with other rallies across Europe. In response the Anti Racism Network (ARN) and a variety of other anti-racism campaigners, migrant support groups and wide range...
By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor It’s a shame Labour doesn’t back the Junior Doctors’ strike (still not quite sure why, answers on a post card, or to Cobyn’s PMQ question hotline) and that the Leader of the Opposition didn’t bother to mention Cameron’s mum is fighting her own son’s public sector cuts. Corbyn wore an “I love Unions,” badge but didn’t mention the strike action outside our beloved hospitals. It reminded me of the freshers who used to walk around...
By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor A little noticed change that slipped past the Chancellor’s U-turn will clobber hundreds of thousands of workers. George Osborne stated he was ditching tax credit cuts, which would have seen over three million families lose around £1,300 per annum. However, it has been revealed that changes to the 'income rise disregard' would still go ahead from April this year. The policy, which says how much income can increase by before tax credits are recalculated, will...
By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Geoffrey Cox, Westminster's highest-earning Tory MP was a tad careless and forgot to declare £400k worth of income from outside interests, but managed to remember to claim for a pint of milk, at a cost of 49 pence. Cox is paid £74,000 a year as an MP but works hundreds of hours as a QC. Unfortunately he broke time limits for registering five hundred hours work he did between Jan and Aug 2015. His excuse...
By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Inefficiencies in the NHS is costing five billions pounds a year. Patients staying in hospital too long, reliance on agency workers, costly supplies and inefficient use of staff is making a huge strain on the public purse. Two official reports have published these findings. 8,500 “bedblocking” patients are stuck in NHS hospitals on a daily basis – costing £900m a year and increasing the need to use the private sector to meet patients' needs. Jeremy Hunt, the...
By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor New Zealand politician Steven Joyce was chatting to journalists when he was he smashed in the face with a sex toy. He had been chatting to crowds in Waitangi, near Paihia, when he suffered the assault. In the clip the member of the New Zealand National Party is surprised by the pink toy which comes flying into camera shot, hitting Joyce in the mouth. A female protestor in the crowd, threw the sex toy and... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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