By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor After David Cameron stepped down after a resounding defeat in the EU referendum many assume that the Chancellor will now have to leave his position as Chancellor of the Exchequer. Osborne had threatened to impose an emergency budget on the nation with another round of austerity cuts, in the case of a Brexit, but he has not been seen since the voting results came through, sparking rumours that he would be next. The Chancellor insisted...
By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor The fall-out from the referendum result has spread through the Labour Party. Hilary Benn was sacked overnight, supposedly via a phone call, after he told the Labour leader he didn’t think he was up to the job. In reaction to this action half of the shadow cabinet are going to resign. Shadow health secretary Heidi Alexander has said "with a heavy heart" that she is resigning. Corbyn was already facing a vote of no confidence,...
By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor David Lammy, the MP for Tottenham, has pleaded for Brexit to not take place. His concerns have been raised as 1.8 million people have signed a petition demanding a new EU referendum. The website crashed as so many people tried to submit their petitions. On Saturday morning, it was being signed by more than 100,000 people an hour. Only 100,000 signatures are required to trigger a debate on the subject in Parliament. Lammy hopes this...
By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Two of the main pledges to win over the electorate, by the Leave campaign, have been rowed back on. During the EU campaign reducing immigration and funding the NHS were key messages that chimed with a huge amount of voters, especially first time voters. However, only a day after the Leave victory it has been admitted that immigration levels may well remain the same and the NHS will probably not receive the £350 a week...
Is the decision to leave the EU a protest vote gone wrong? It certainly looks that way after a study revealed only 30 per cent of Leave supporters thought the UK would actually vote leave. Yesterday's results have left plenty of people in shock, with the markets in turmoil after the polls delivered an unexpected decision. Just this morning £100 billion has been wiped off the FTSE, the Prime Minister has resigned and the pound has suffered the largest currency...
By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor The fall-out from the Brexit result continues. The PM has resigned and now two senior Labour MPs have tabled a motion of no confidence in the left-wing Labour leader, who has been criticised for not backing the Remain campaign enough. It has been said he was not visible enough during the campaign and didn’t do enough to get Labour voters to get out and vote to Remain part of the EU, especially those from working...
By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Donald Trump has flown into the UK today, as if we didn't have enough on our plate, what with Brexit and the PM resigning and all. Anyway he is here to visit his beloved golf course, and he was asked what he thought of the Brexit result. He said it was "brave and brilliant," and "they took back control of their country." How short are the odds on a Trump president and Johnson Pm double...
By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Extreme far right parties across Europe have hailed the UK’s vote to leave the EU. The decision appears to be seen as a great victory for their own anti-EU and anti-immigration aims. It is assumed they will now push for similar votes in their own nations. The fear within the EU will be that a domino effect may ripple through the remaining member states, with other countries hoping to follow suit. The European project is...
Boris Johnson, tipped for Tory leadership following the EU referendum result, had to fight through crowds of people shouting 'scum' and 'traitor' en route to the Leave Campaign's headquarters. The former London Mayor is due to deliver a speech following a monumental decision to leave the European Union, but he had to battle angry crowds first. Chants of 'scum' could be heard in the background and 'traitor' from the crowd. Others shouted "shame on you Boris". Boris leaves his house... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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