The Conservative Government has come under fire for its repeated promise of a £10bn increase in funding for the struggling National Health Service. The UK Statistics Authority are questioning the veracity of the claims, as the National Audit Office has described the NHS problems as “endemic” and “unsustainable.” It appears that the ten billion claim, if real, would help solve some of the NHS funding issues, but this doesn’t appear to be the case. The UK Statistics Authority, an independent...
David Davies, our esteemed Brexit Minister, has been accused of not really having any idea what Brexit means. This will come as no surprise to many Remain, and, if they are honest with themselves, some Leave voters as well. Manfred Weber, a German MEP, and Chair of centre-right European People’s Party, made his comments after a meeting with Davis, which didn’t sound vert productive. Weber was highly critical of the lack of a plan from the UK regarding Brexit, he...
The UKIP wheels continue to fall off; this time the issue is using EU cash to push the Brexit referendum campaign. A leaked document, seen by Sky News has found that the party used EU funds on polling in the build up the EU referendum and the General Election. Using the funds for these campaigns breaks EU spending rules and means the party will have to pay back all or a portion of the total sum spent. The party splurged...
Canada is about to scrap its controversial visa requirements for Mexican visitors. Donald Trump entering the White House is only likely to spell bad news for Mexicans in the US or hoping to re-locate to America. Trump is still vowing to build a wall (with a bit of fencing in parts) across the entire border and said he will deport as many illegal immigrants as possible, ranging from one to three million. A lot of these people are likely to...
Corbyn promised not to resort to Punch and Judy politics when he became Labour leader and PMQs have been pretty bleak ever since. However lately he has thrown his morals out of the window, bad for his unshakable moral fibre, good for us. Maybe he doesn’t even mind about nuclear proliferation after all and the last thirty years of activism has been a ruse to get his mum to knit him some more jumpers. Corbyn laid into Theresa May over...
A report by the Social Mobility Commission has warned the government about a worrying trend of "treadmill families" who are "running harder and harder but standing still". The study highlights a "deep social mobility problem" in Britain which has resulted in an unfair education system, a two-tier labour market, a regionally imbalanced economy and unaffordable housing. Young families can now no longer expect to do as well as their parents' generation, with fault-lines of wealth and opportunity now patently obvious. Commission chair Alan Milburn says: "So...
A Christian preacher has been recorded screaming homophobic abuse outside a gay politician's house, telling him he will die if he doesn't repent. Former Lib Dem councillor Christian Martin filmed the man branding a wooden cross and screaming "Homosexuality is wrong". The politician runs a film production company that makes gay films, flies a rainbow flag outside of his family home and advocates for LGBT rights. Footage captures the man, who is dressed in dark clothes and wielding a wooden cross, bellowing: "Same...
There is a growing momentum against Theresa May’s hard Brexit plans, even after leaked reports indicate they don’t have the staff, and more importantly, any idea how and what Brexit is actually going to look like. A group called European Movement UK is now demanding that the newly appointed PM will let the UK public remain EU citizens if they choose to personally belong to the Europe, rather than turning their backs on mainland Europe. The pressure group believes that...
Ethics? Isn't that a county to the East of London, the media jibe goes. But according to new research, millions of workers may feel the same way. A new study has found millions of Brits would turn a blind eye to a company’s ethics as long as the salary was good. A survey of 2,000 employed adults in the UK found that 36 per cent would rather work for a company that paid them more, over one whose morals they agreed... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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