In a surprise statement outside Number 10 Downing Street Prime Minister Theresa May called for a snap General Election on June 8, going back on repeated promised not to. With Conservatives around 20 points ahead of Labour in opinion polls, many Tory figures have been urging the PM to go ahead with this U-turn despite David Cameron's Fixed Term Parliament Act guaranteeing five year parliamentary terms, as she has faced recent parliamentary rebellions and is unlikely to ever have such...
With war looming on several fronts you can forgive President Trump for having a lot on his mind, but this is a comical balls-up none the less. While making his way through the crowd at the White House Easter egg roll, Trump was asked by a young child if he would sign his hat. He grabs a pen, quickly signs the hat and then throws it deep into the crowd amongst screams of "nooo!" from people standing around.# A kid...
Families in low paid work, armed forces families and foster children will be surprised to learn they are not ordinary, says GMB union. The Education Secretary has branded 68 per cent of England’s children not normal in a speech to promote grammar schools. Children who are eligible for the pupil premium and free schools meals, including children from armed forces families and families with foster children, are all not ordinary according to the Secretary of State. The Department for Education...
Education Secretary Justine Greening was given a very hard time by Charlie Stayt on BBC Breakfast, usually one for the more easy going interview, he decided to go at Greening and wouldn't let it lie. She didn't look like she was prepared for his attack. Presenter Mr Stayt told her: "You've used the phrase 'ordinary working families' in pretty much every answer. "The fact is, most people watching this programme who are from ordinary working families... we can assume that's...
Brexit has gone that mad that two opposing activists, boxing in a ring, almost seems the sane option. How many people would like to step into the ring with Nigel Farage for example? Well this did actually happen, reports the Hackney Citizen, on April’s fools day, but only the UKIP MEP looked foolish in Bethnal Green’s York Hall. Lib Dem activist Toby White went up against UKIP MEP Jonathon Arnott in a bout of “chessboxing.” This sport sees alternate rounds...
The Labour Leader, Jeremy Corbyn, clashed with a BBC journalist who attempted to ask a question about the Syrian crisis, while he was speaking at a small business event. The BBC reporter, Mark Lobel, was in the process of trying to ask a question about the conflict with Corbyn, and last week's chemical attack. The audience, at the Fed of Small Businesses, booed the BBC hack, and appeared to want to concentrate on business issues. Corbyn walked forward, in a...
The Labour party has been struggling with internal conflict and Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership has constantly come under attack, leaving little time to launch any policy initiatives. Now the Labour party has pledged to increase the minimum wage to £10 an hour if they win the next election. The policy would leave full-time employees on basic earnings better off by more than £2,500 while 21 to 24-year-olds on lower wage rates would be in line for a £4,500 hike. The polls...
A leaked document has revealed secret government studies into the impact of a hard Brexit, with the Department of Health finding the NHS could be hit by a shortage of more than 40,000 nurses by 2026. Union GMB has appealed to the government to release the data, asking "what else has Theresa May got to hide?" after a whistleblower revealed the findings. There are thought to be dozens of impact assessments already carried out by the Government into its chosen course of...
Donald Trump's tweets have come back to haunt him once again as he launches strikes on Syria amidst plummeting approval ratings back home. Back in 2012 he claimed that President Obama would launch a strike in Syria because he was "desperate" over falling results in opinion polls, but Obama wasn't suffering nearly as badly as President Trump is today. The Republican leader's overall approval rating lowest in history for this stage of presidency, with 54 per cent of voters disapproving... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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