Energy sector workers back BREXIT despite energy jobs uncertainty

In just three days we'll know the outcome of the EU referendum. As it fast approaches and the vote looks like it will hang in the balance, research from the energy jobs sector has come up with some surprising results. The survey attempted to delve into what energy professionals really thought about the future of the EU and where they want to be on June 24th. The results of the survey, conducted by, a global energy jobs board for energy and...

Brexit might cause ‘black Friday’, says George Soros

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor George Soros, one of the planet’s most well known currency speculators, has warned that Brexit could cause a currency fall that could cause more disruption then leaving the ERM in 1992. His $10bn (£6.9bn) bet against the pound broke the Bank of England. Soros talking to the Guardian said that although some speculators could make huge financial gains from leaving the EU, a Brexit would leave “most voters considerably poorer.” The vote is on a...

Nissan begin legal proceedings against Vote Leave leaflet

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor The official campaign for leaving the EU will be facing action from car maker Nissan. The Brexit campaign used the car makers logo on leaflets calling for a Vote to Leave the EU on June 23rd. On the "Vote Leave" pamphlet, the Nissan’s logo appeared next to those of four other companies including Unilever and Vauxhall alongside the message: "Major employers ... have all said they'll stay in the UK whatever the result of the referendum."...

Another politician defects from Brexit to Remain citing “hate and xenophobia”

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor In another blow to the Brexit campaign another senior politician has decided to change to the Remain camp over “hate and xenophobia” peddled by the Brexit leaders. Baroness Warsi, a former cabinet minister for the Conservative party will no vore remain on Thursday, after she said that Michael Gove, the Vote Leave chief, had been “peddling lies.” The “Leave’ campaign appeared to be taking a substantial leave but seems to be foundering in recent days....

VIDEO – John Oliver rubbishes Brexit campaign

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor British comedian John Oliver explained on his show Last Week Tonight, most of the arguments for leaving the European Union simply don’t hold up. John said: "Immigration policy may not change, hysteria over regulation is a red herring, the costs of membership are reasonable, and economic benefits of staying appear to outweigh the costs, yet polls suggest my homeland is on the edge of doing something insane," He continued: "It’s a complicated, bureaucratic, ambitious, overbearing, inspirational, and...

Gove’s own father denies company failed due to EU

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor When your own dad denies your claims you know you are in trouble, and Brexiteer Michael Gove has just been caught in that net. The Guardian have reported that Gove’s own dad has denied claims his son came out with about his business interest in the fishing industry. It will be embarrassing for Michael Gove, who has made the claim on more than one occasion. Gove had said that his firm in Aberdeen which operated...

PMQs 15th June – Farage barges into EU debate leaving PM bobbing around

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor This was the last PMQs before the referendum, what will the world be like on June 24th regardless of the result? Will there be pitched battles on the Thames, with rivals crashing their warships into each other? Nope, they were doing that outside of Parliament today just as PMQs kicked off. Farage’s barge of swashbuckling Brexiteers were floating their flotilla down the Thames. In retaliation Bob Geldof’s Remain rafts hired a huge vessel and various...

In or Out? Reviewing the Evening Standard EU Debate

IN: Chuka Umunna (Labour MP for Streatham) Carolyn Fairburn (Director-General of the CBI) Rohan Silva (Tech entrepreneur) OUT: Daniel Hannan (Conservative MEP) Munira Mirza (Former Deputy Mayor for Health and Education) Jenny Jones (Green Party peer) On 7th June, the Royal Geographical Society in South Kensington staged a debate held by the Evening Standard and London First asking the big question for Londoners ahead of the 23rd June referendum- Is London better off In or Out of the European Union?...

Leave Takes a Big Lead Ahead Of EU Referendum

The Leave campaign has taken a big lead in the polls ahead of the EU referendum on 23rd June. Guardian/ICM polls report a six-point lead, with Leave now enjoying a 53 per cent - 47 per cent advantage once “don’t knows” are excluded. According to Prof John Curtice of Strathclyde University, the running average “poll of polls” would stand at 52 per cent for leave and 48 per cent for remain, the first time leave has been in such a...

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