Video – Boris fails to kiss a fish

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor After all the posturing and the praise for the fish industry in the face of EU regulations, would Boris kiss one of his beloved fish, well we reckon he didn't. He was at Billingsgate market mopping up the final few potential votes, but he couldn't do it, he was close, but yet so far, will that reflect tomorrow's vote? Watch video here

Overseas energy jobs: DON’T LEAVE the EU

A new survey has revealed that energy professionals who work or live within the EU (i.e professionals working in overseas energy jobs) don’t want the UK to leave, but it’s close. A sample of energy sector workers in overseas energy jobs took part in the EU referendum survey. The results of the poll indicated that 47.3 per cent want the UK to remain part of Europe, while 43.2 per cent want Britain to withdraw from the rest of the member states....

Annoyed man’s full page advert in Metro to back Remain

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor A mystery man named only as Laurence Taylor took out a full page advert in the Metro newspaper to make the case for Remain. Mr Taylor is “fed up” and demands people discuss immigration “based on facts not fear” – he claims he paid for the ad out of his own pocket, rich man, or maybe the advertising prices have dipped at the paper, maybe a bit of both perhaps. The advert shows a simple pie chart...

Video – Gove says Barnes for Brexit…Barnes really isn’t

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor John Barnes, former England and Liverpool footballer and occasional rapper shot down Michael Gove down for claiming that he backs Brexit. Following news Beckham supporting Remain, the Justice Secretary claimed on Sky that, "there are lots of people like Sol Campbell and John Barnes" who want Out. A few hours later, Barnes called up the news network to contradict Gove. Turns out if he very much for Remain, oh dear Gove, oh dear. Watch video...

Huge Spike In Uncertainty Index As Vote Nears

A huge spike in the uncertainty index has been registered a day before Brits go to the polls. Research from Warwick Business School measuring political and economic uncertainty in the UK has revealed uncertainty has increased rapidly. Ilias Filippou, Assistant Professor of Financial Economics, said: “It is interesting because there was a huge spike in the volatility of the pound in March after Boris Johnson announced he was joining the leave campaign, but this was not reflected in our measurement of...

Watch: Ovation After Ruth Davidson Destroys ‘Leave Lies’

The leader of the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party Ruth Davidson received an ovation last night after outing the Leave campaign's lies and inaccurate figures used in their propaganda. Facing Boris Johnson and other key 'Outers' Davidson said she "can't let it stand that you sell a blatant untruth two days before a referendum", citing the Leave campaign's claim that 60 per cent of our laws are made in the EU, which is "simply not true". Only 13 per cent of our laws,...

Right-Wing Extremists Inflict More Fatalities Than Islamist Terrorists

A new report released this week will warn that right-wing extremists inflict more fatalities and injuries than Islamist terrorists in “lone actor” attacks. The report, from the Royal United Services Institute think tank in London, says that 94 people were killed and 260 injured in attacks carried out by right-wing extremists across Europe between the start of 2000 and the end of 2014. That compares with 16 deaths and 65 injuries caused by religiously inspired lone wolf attacks. The think tank...

Brexit ‘Will Not Reduce EU Immigration’ MEP Claims

A vote to leave the European Union will not help reduce EU immigration because the free movement of people will be a condition of any free trade deal with the European single market, a Conservative MEP has claimed. Speaking at an EU debate hosted by Equilibrium Asset Management Sajjad Karim MEP said he has heard it ‘from the horse’s mouth’ that UK access to the single market was contingent on the acceptance of free movement. The claim raises questions for...

Video – Prof Dougan says Brexit ‘dishonesty on industrial scale”

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor EU law expert Professor Michael Dougan added to his criticism of the referendum campaign’s “industrial dishonesty.” During his video he accuses Leave campaigners of “dishonesty really on an industrial scale.” He investigated the central themes raised by both the Remain and Leave campaigns in a video that has clocked up more than two million views on Facebook. Dougan in the past has advised government departments on EU law and provided evidence to parliamentary enquiries and...

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