PM May created ‘blind trust’ to control her investments…so we have no idea what is in it

Opposition parties have pushed for the PM to disclose her finances and wealth after it was discovered she had set up a “blind trust” to handle her investments. A “blind trust” allows a way for a person to keep a stock and share portfolio away from the public gaze and a private matter. The use of this type of financial arrangement, might feel like a one rule for us and one rule for them, to the general public struggling to...

Corbyn maximum salary cap plan to reduce UK inequality divides the nation

It didn’t feel great to read about “Fat Cat Wednesday” just as the January depression was about to kick in. To know that UK top bosses earned more in two and a half days than most will make in the whole of 2017, made me want to crawl back into bed, i doubt I was alone. There was a fairly strong public outcry at this shocking statistic, so riding on the back of that Jeremy Corbyn, today, announced he would...

Happy New Year! Pound slumps after May’s recent hard-Brexit comments

PM May’s first major interview of 2017 sent the pound into free fall after she made comments hinting at a “hard-Brexit.” She told Sky News that the UK will not try and keep “bits of EU membership.” During the interview she said: “Often people talk in terms as if somehow we are leaving the EU but we still want to kind of keep bits of membership of the EU. We are leaving. We are coming out. We are not going...

Is Brexit buyers’ remorse a myth?

Remain is down in Scotland, Leave is up in every English region and is unchanged in London. By all accounts, the notion of Brexit buyers' remorse following a rocky and calamitous start to negotiations could be misguided. That's according to a new poll conducted by Saga which shows Brexit support is up two per cent overall among over-50s, as well as being up in every English region. Meanwhile Remain support in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland is down. The poll, leaked on political blogsite...

Rodgers’ departure “significant blow” now demands for “Brexiteer” to get top job

Sir Ivan Rogers’ resignation in frustration at the UK’s Brexit strategy has created a job opportunity many Leave voters want to be filled with someone dedicated to Brexit. Some Tories have called for the Conservative MEP Daniel Hannan to be handed the job. In response to the departure Nigel Farage, has demanded a complete clearout of the “Europhile Foreign Office,” which he thinks is purposefully trying to stall Brexit. Rogers stepped down from his role as ambassador to the EU,...

US policy – in 140 characters

This bank holiday weekend, following a stream of tweets about New Year's eve celebrations and fleeting references to making America "great again,  Donald Trump managed to fit in potentially seismic policy moves on foreign policy, trade and health care into a solitary 140 characters. Gone, it would seem, are the days of smoke and mirrors when it comes to government policy. But also gone are the days when any of it makes any sense. Take, for example, Trump's tweet on North Korea's...

Final vote count shows Clinton beat Trump by almost 3m votes

The final vote count from the US election shows Hilary Clinton beat Donald Trump by a whopping 2,865,075 people in the popular vote, despite losing the election. Data released by CNN shows Hilary would have run away with the victory if the Electoral College system wasn't used, which was once called "a disaster for a democracy" by contender Trump. The FINAL Clinton-Trump popular vote totals: Clinton: 65,844,954 (48.2%) Trump: 62,979,879 (46.1%) Diff: 2,865,075 — Robert Yoon (@robyoon) December 21, 2016 In a...

Brexit cost set to dwarf NHS budget

The overall cost of Britain's break from Europe is expected to be an astronomical £220 billion over four years, dwarfing the NHS budget which was a focal part of the 'Leave' campaign. New forecasts from the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) show that government debt is to hit £1.945 trillion in five years, with experts attributing the £220 billion growth to the direct results of Brexit. A recent report by ITV's Robert Peston explained: "£78 billion of that is due to the expected post-referendum slowdown in...

This is the war of the words

The only thing more terrifying than the devastating scenes in Berlin yesterday is the reaction of the soon-to-be President of the United States to the events. Hours after the deadly truck crash in Berlin, with the country's wounds laid bare, Trump jumped back on the populist bandwagon and issued a statement of intent ahead of his inauguration. He moved for a policy of division, blaming “Islamist terrorists” who targeted “innocent” Christians as they “prepared to celebrate the Christmas holiday.” The war of words...

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