The UK's youngest MP brought the house down at the SNP Conference with an emotive speech on Tory austerity and the damage it had wreaked. Mhairi Black started off mocking Prime Minister Theresa May by complaining she had a cough too, before insisting that Scotland is strong enough to survive as an independent entity. "Why would Westminster genuinely want to keep us if we were a financial burden?" asked the 23 year old MP. But she saved her greatest vitriol...
Through a recent survey of 2,000 people at Shout Out UK surrounding their campaign around World Mental Health Day, they found out a shocking statistic – that 36% of young people believe Brexit has impacted their mental health. They sent out this survey as mental health issues are on the rise, especially amongst young people, and it’s important for them to see the impact Brexit has had on people’s mental health, and not just on our economy. Through their discussions...
Kenneth Clarke put the boot into Boris Johnson in the first House of Commons debate since fierce cabinet divisions have left the PM having to admonish Johnson for undermining her leadership on Brexit. Clarke recently insisted that Boris Johnson would have been sacked by now if the Tories had a majority instead of a minority government propped up by the DUP. Today he called Johnson “the present Foreign Secretary” as he again, and mocked Johnson for the mess he had...
The Labour grassroots organisation now has over 31,000 members, a huge following considering it was only launched a couple of years ago. Momentum was set-up after Jereym Corbyn’s shock victory in the Labour leadership contest in 2015. The group has come under criticism from the right of British media and politics and also from within the Labour party itself. Critics of the group, however, claim its activists have taken over constituency Labour parties and agitated against sitting MPs who are...
Global Justice Now member Bob Gillespie tries out a custom built Trump mask as the group hold a protest outside the SEC at the Scottish National Party (SNP) Autumn conference to highlight the dangers of post-Brexit trade deals with the US. Members of Global Justice Now hold a protest outside the SEC at the Scottish National Party (SNP) Autumn conference to highlight the dangers of post-Brexit trade deals with the US. October 9, 2017. Campaigners are concerned that a free...
The last US election played out as some pollsters had warned - like a terrible game of scissors, stone and paper. People found Bernie Sanders more believable than Donald Trump, yet the Democrat Party refused to believe in anyone but Hillary Clinton, even though many warned that she should have a far harder time standing against Trump. All this was pretty obvious to everyone but never really acknowledged by mainstream TV hosts like Bill Maher who this week ribbed Russell...
The Conservative Party Conference was still packing up when the knives were out for Theresa May. With Theresa May hanging onto power by her fingernails the plot to oust the PM is being “masterminded” by Grant Shapps. "A growing number of number of my colleagues, we realise that the solution isn't to bury our heads in the sand and just hope things will get better, the MP for Welwyn Hatfield told Radio 4’s Today programme this morning. Shapps told Radio...
A new site has been set up that allows you type your own phrase behind Theresa May and watch it fall off. The British Drea was created following the devastating final speech by May at the Conservative Party Conference where parts of the Tory's slogan fell off. Ironically, the phrase was "building a country that works for everyone", but eventually crumbled to "Bui ding a c ntry tha orks or ryon". May's position remains fragile today after Grant Shapps started an...
The prankster who famously handed Theresa May a fake P45 after gatecrashing her Tory conference speech joked about catching the beleaguered PM's COLD. Comedian Simon Brodkin, 40, who performed under his alter-ego Lee Nelson, told an audience he had "quite a bad cough" and "caught something off Theresa". The comic also boasted to the Glee Club in Nottingham that he had spent the night in a police cell following the stunt which was beamed around the world. Warming up the... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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