Conservative Party secretaries, researchers and aides have compiled a list of 36 Tory MPs' inappropriate sexual behaviour and unwanted advances. As senior Conservative figures have been furiously briefing to downplay sexual allegations against Tory MPs, furious Westminster workers have been compiling proof that 11% of all the party's MPs have been abusing their positions to harass female and male employees. Female Westminster workers have been circulating a dirty dossier which now comprises inappropriate behaviour by 36 sitting Tory MPs including...
Secretary of State Jeremy Hunt today delivered a car crash interview on the BBC Andrew Marr programme. In the toe-curling interview, Marr pointed out that Hunt was displaying signs of split personality disorder. The third longest serving Secretary of State for Health in the history of the nation began by reeling off empty party-line soundbites when questioned about unsafe NHS hospitals, the loss of 5,000 mental health nurses, the cutting of 7,500 mental health beds, and NHS workers operating to their absolute...
Columnist Owen Jones took to Marr show this morning to discuss serious sexual allegation in today's Sunday’s papers. Jones said there are reports of “two senor cabinet Ministers being named by political researchers as serial sex pests. “The PM has been briefed on these allegations. Whips, and this is critical, are treating it as a bit of a laugh. “Yesterday Gove made a crass joke about Harvey Weinstein and sexual abuse and rape of women.” Jones demanded action needs to...
Late last week it was revealed that there was a What's app group used by females in Westminster that list certain men, including senior MPs, who need to be avoided, to reduce the risk of unwanted sexual harassment. The names of these men have not been released by any political party, as yet. However, today the Mail on Sunday reported that Mark Garner, International Trade Minister, admitted referring to his secretary as "sugar tits" and also made her purchase sex...
Real pay is now down almost 5 per cent since financial crash showing Conservatives have no clue how to ‘make work pay’ says GMB union. GMB, Britain’s general union, has condemned both the Government’s handling of the economy and the public sector pay cap after official figures published today (26 October 2017) show wages shrank by 0.4 per cent in real terms in 2017. This was the first fall in three years - busting any myths of a recovery under...
If you’re paying even the slightest attention, you’ll know that Brexit negotiations are not going well. As the Dalai Lama once said, “Choose to be optimistic, it feels better.” The most optimistic thing you can do in this situation pack your bags and get the hell outta Dodge. Leaving the UK might seem drastic, but it’s the only way to secure yourself a brighter future. Here are some tips to make moving abroad that little bit simpler. Choose a...
This afternoon the Secretary of State for Defence, Michael Fallon, told the House of Commons Defence Committee that criticism of the Saudi Arabian regime and its brutal bombardment of Yemen is a hindrance to arms sales. This was part of an update he gave on negotiations to sell a further batch of Eurofighter jets to the Saudi Royal Air Force. UK has licensed £3.8 billion worth of arms to Saudi forces since the bombing of Yemen began in 2015 and...
During today's Prime Minister's Questions, Jeremy Corbyn delivered a scathing attack on the weakness of Theresa May's Government. Jeremy Corbyn once again seemed to get the better of his opponent in open debate. The Leader of the Opposition asked questions on last week's House of Commons vote on Universal Credit, the implementation of Universal Credit, the minimum wage and the record of the current Government. During a bad week for the current Prime Minister, a forlorn looking Theresa May struggled...
After the Tories decided not to bother to turn up to vote to "pause and fix" the mess of Universal Credit you would think the Sec of State, responsible for the policy implementation, would turn up for a debate on it...well you would be wrong. Today's debate was granted by John Bercow after he criticised the government's response to the Opposition day debate last week which Labour won by 299 to 0. Debbie Abrahams demanded to know why David Gauke,Secretary of... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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