MP’s hear heartbreaking plea: Universal Credit means “Victorian Christmas even Scrooge didn’t think of”

Helen Goodman made a heartfelt plea for families on Universal Credit this festive period, saying it's not so much a merry Christmas as a Victorian Christmas that even Scrooge didn't think of. Almost a quarter of her constituents in Bishop Auckland will be affected by the changes in December which will leave many people with a six week gap in payments. In her words "this is not a wait it is a cut, and many would say over Christmas it is the...

UK would be like “Cuba without the sunshine” under Corbyn – says fat cat banker

A Goldman Sachs banker has likened the UK under Jeremy Corbyn to "Cuba without the sunshine" in a nervy attack on the Labour leader at the Super Investor private-equity conference in Amsterdam. Fat cat Bobby Vedral warned the apparent chaos in Theresa May’s government has raised the risk of Mr Corbyn, who has been vocal about taxing the rich, taking over as Prime Minister. According to reports in the Financial Times Vedral, who also tipped Marine Le Pen to win the...

Conservatives accused of “economic murder” in landmark study which links 120k deaths to austerity

The harsh austerity plan rolled out under consecutive Conservative governments has been linked to 120,000 deaths in Britain. According to a damning landmark study there were 45,000 more deaths in the first four years of Tory-led efficiencies than would have been expected if funding had stayed at pre-election levels. On this trajectory that could rise to nearly 200,000 excess deaths by the end of 2020. The study, published in BMJ Open today, identified that mortality rates in the UK had declined...

This is the one incredible thing Donald Trump has done for US women

Sexist, misogynistic and with a list of sexual misconduct allegations that would make even Harvey Weinstein blush, Donald Trump has hardly been the face of feminism in his first year in office - But he has done one remarkable thing for US women. Emily's List, which helps elect pro-choice Democratic female candidates to office, recently announced that over 20,000 women have reached out to the organisation since Election Day about running for office. That compares to just 992 applicants in 2016. An additional 8,000 people...

Centre of Brexit Studies embarks on road show to better understand “Leave mentality”

The Centre of Brexit studies is set to visit the UK’s ten biggest Leave voting constituencies to find out their thoughts and feelings on the Brexit process nearly 18 months on from the landmark referendum. Researchers from Birmingham City University’s Centre for Brexit Studies will be spending three weeks on the road to visit a range of different communities across the country and find out their views on Brexit and how the government is carrying out the process of leaving the...

Boris Johnson finally heeds Labour calls to apologise to Brit mum trapped in Iran

The Foreign Secretary finally gave the British mum detained in Iran an unreserved apology in parliament. - After the shadow foreign secretary demanded he say sorry for his colossal blunder in an urgent question in the House of Commons. Emily Thornberry also called on Boris Johnson to stop endangering Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe by finally admitting he had made an error. "Of course I apologise for the distress, for the suffering that has been caused by the impression I gave that I...

David Davis u-turn: Parliament to get vote on terms of Brexit deal

BREAKING: Parliament will get a meaningful vote on the terms of the final Brexit deal implementation, Brexit minister David Davis has told MPs, staving off a Tory rebellion in the Commons. David David has announced a government u-turn and succumbed to demands from MPs that parliament has a vote on the final Brexit deal. There will be a parliamentary bill before the country leaves the EU, which will debate the terms that the government has agreed, including any changes to UK laws over citizens’ rights, the final...

Just about managing families being discriminated against by punitive and unfair tax system

Families that are "just about managing" are being discriminated against by punitive and unfair tax system, new research has suggested. The Chancellor is being urged to end the discriminatory tax regime that penalises families when compared to the other OECD countries after new research being launched tomorrow in Parliament by the social policy charity Care lays bare the alarming truth about family taxation in the UK. The report, ‘The Taxation of Families – International Comparisons 2016’, reveals that the tax burden faced by one-earner married couples with...

Middle Eastern power struggle causing “a major human catastrophe” in Yemen

The power struggle between Iran and Saudi Arabia is causing a major human catastrophe in the Middle East after reports emerged that hundreds of Yemenis "will die within the next week" unless Saudi Arabia lifts its blockade and allows urgently needed medical supplies into the country. Yemen has become the "burden bearer" of the feud between the two Middle Eastern superpowers, with pharmacies across Sanaa struggling with a critical shortage of specialist drugs used to treat illnesses such as cancer, diabetes and...

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