The role of First Secretary of State is likely to be banished to the history books after Damian Green was forced to resign over porn allegations. Following the sacking Theresa May has been left in charge of appointing her second in command, but the odds suggest she could well abolish the ministerial portfolio entirely. Betway have slashed the price on the position being abandoned to 6/4 following Green's disgraced encounter. As it is simply an honorific title with no specific powers...
Jeremy Hunt is close to becoming the second-longest serving minister in charge of the NHS - taking over Anuerin Bevan. Bevan spent 1,993 days in charge of the health service during the Labour government of 1945-51. In that time he spearheaded the establishment of the National Health Service, which was to provide medical care free at point-of-need to all Britons; regardless of wealth. But in an ironic twist the second-longest minister for the NHS is set to be overtaken by the...
Mike Pence delivered a "prayer" of thanks to Donald Trump in yesterday's cabinet meeting that has been described as being "stomach-churning" by social media commentators. The Vice President of the United States said he knows he speaks on behalf of the rest of the cabinet and millions of Americans when he says "congratulations and thank you" for seeing through an agenda that is "restoring this country". His words evoke parallels to North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un's cult of personality, where...
Theresa May's deputy Damian Green has been sacked as First Secretary of State after an investigation found he breached UK ministerial code by lying about the presence of porn on his office computer. Now Brexit Secretary David Davis faces the humiliating prospect of being constantly reminded that he vowed to resign if his cabinet ally was sacked over the investigation into his statements on porn found on his computer and allegations by Tory activist Kate Maltby that he behaved inappropriately towards...
Damien Green has resigned as First Secretary of State after an investigation found he breached UK ministerial code. Theresa May's deputy has stepped down before Christmas leaving her already beleaguered cabinet in tatters. The Tory MP had been found to have misled the public over porn found on an office computer Claims emerged recently that police had found "extreme" pornography on his computer when they raided his Parliamentary office. Met police officers say they unveiled the material when Green's office was raided...
Labour MP Dennis Skinner has accused Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt for running the NHS into the ground to the point where privatisation is the only option. The "Bolsover Beast", who became the longest continuously serving Labour MP ever this week, launched a scathing attack in parliament over hospital closures. He said: "There's a growing suspicion that what this secretary of state is up to is to leave them, lose all those beds in the hospitals forever so that the private...
The Scottish Labour Party will start their campaign to reclaim Scotland today after leader Richard Leonard unveiled his Shadow Cabinet in Holyrood. Four weeks on from being elected Scottish Labour leader Leonard announced a senior team with no place for the party’s former leader or deputy leader. Kezia Dugdale, who courted controversy when she appeared on I'm a Celebrity, has been dropped from the front bench, with prominent left-winger Neil Findlay coming in to look over Brexit, Campaigns and Party Engagement. Other newcomers...
In the irony of all ironies Britain's divorce from the European Union is now costing the country £350 million a week. According to figures released in the Financial Times the value of Britain’s output is now around 0.9 per cent lower than was possible if the country had voted to stay in the EU. That equates to almost exactly £350m a week lost to the British economy — an irony that will not be lost on those who may have backed...
Ahead of its November reveal, Philip Hammond’s budget was billed as ‘make or break’ in much of the press. In reality, it turned out neither to make nor break the chancellor’s career. Rather, everything seems to be continuing as usual. It’s possible that it will take time for this budget’s implications to become clearer, but what is crystal clear already is the impact on one of the most crucial areas of the public sector—further education. Theresa May herself triumphantly announced... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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