As Theresa May served P45, all the ways a calamitous Conservative Party Conference turned into an episode of The Thick Of It

Usually when Theresa May makes an important speech the pound tends to plummet scarily on international markets and confidence in Britain falls even further. Sterling cliff dive after Theresa May speech But you know it’s been a good speech when everyone’s favourite political farce The Thick Of It starts trending on social media before the speech is even over. Still it’s not like this lot have anything more complex to negotiate apart from getting through a week in Manchester without any...

Watch – May’s speech descends into chaos after she is handed P45

Theresa May's conference speech descended into chaos after TV prankster Lee Nelson interrupted her appearance to hand her a P45. The Prime Minister was forced to pause her keynote address to the Tory gathering after she was handed the end of employment form. The comedian said "Boris asked me to give you this." She also has an awful cough, which made the whole affair pretty awful. Especially as her Conservative Party Conference 17 speech comes in a week that it...

David Davis urged to keep border controls in Calais after Brexit to prevent more illegal immigrants entering Britain

Border controls should be kept at Calais after Brexit to prevent more illegal migrants and asylum seekers entering Britain, according to council chiefs in Kent. The leaders of both Dover and Shepway councils have warned Brexit minister David Davis that bringing back controls to the UK as part of any deal risks further increasing the number of migrants that would have to be dealt with. A joint letter signed by the leaders of both local authorities states: “Dover and Shepway...

Bear gets social media “Grylling” for appearing at Tory Party Conference

Adventurer Bear Grylls has faced a social media backlash following his decision to appear at the Conservative Party Conference. Britain's Chief Scout appeared at the conference in an appeal to the Conservatives to back the organisation for a "relatively small investment" of £50 million. Thousands of new volunteers are needed to enable the 55,000 children waiting to join a group - the largest waiting list the Scouts Association has ever had. But while some people admired the TV star's cause,...

This post on Australian gun control is going viral after Vegas shootings

A post on Australian gun control is going viral following the tragic shootings in Las Vegas. The Facebook picture refers to a mass shooting in 1996 which prompted politicians to introduce sweeping gun control measures. The government bought back and destroyed over 1 million guns and put in controls over who can purchase firearms, which has eradicated mass shootings in the country. It has also barely inflicted its citizen's rights to own arms. Only full and semi automatic guns are...

Jeremy Hunt’s new health worker app “brings gig economy to NHS’

Instead of wasting money creating Uber for the NHS, why doesn’t the health secretary give all NHS staff the pay rise they desperately need? GMB, the union for public sector workers, says a new healthcare workforce app unveiled by Jeremy Hunt will bring the gig economy to the NHS. In a speech to the Conservative Party Conference today, the Health Secretary announced plans to introduce an app-based work system to 12 NHS trusts. Jeremy Hunt said:“They need to be able...

Jeremy Hunt tries to claim Tories created NHS – Jon Ashworth calls him out

By Benjamin Jenkins Jeremy Hunt has been called out for trying to rewrite history at the Conservative Party Conference after he claimed that the Tories were responsible for the creation of the National Health Service. The Secretary of State for Health played a clip from 1944 when the NHS was founded, insinuating that it was the Conservatives that had created it. But the Tories fought it "tooth and nail" all the way through Parliament on a three line whip and voted against...

Ruth Davidson tells Conservative party to “man up” and get over “nervous breakdown”

Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson has come out swinging for the Tories, and seems to be the only one up for the fight, to beat Labour, rather than each other. She said that the Conservative Party needs to “get over its current nervous breakdown and man up.” Davidson said that the support for Jeremy Corbyn will drop off and she will “start the fight.” Currently the main battle in the Conservative Party appears to be between Boris Johnson and Theresa...

“Get on your bike” & “work with gorgeous EU women” Tory MP tells unemployed

The Conservative party conference in Manchester has been under intense police security and subjected to large protests, but inside the ring of steel, Tory MPs are still mouthing off with their reactionary views. It was the turn of South Thanet MP Craig Mackinlay to step up and make a statement to wind up everyone outside of the Tory bubble. Mackinlay won his seat in Kent following a close battle with former UKIP leader Nigel Farage in 2015, but is set...

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