Thank you for that fantastic welcome and thank you for inviting me here today. I want to begin by saying that today’s “Socialists Together” conference is a great initiative, and when Gianni Pittella invited me to speak, I was very glad to accept. I want to thank everybody from all the participating organisations, from many different countries, for being here to take part and contribute to this critical debate about the future of socialist and progressive politics and the future...
For anyone not familiar with Britain First, it's a single Facebook page for people to share hateful and largely illiterate ideas that sink to a whole new level of stupid. Britain First describes itself as a Political Party standing up for nationalism and British Sovereignty, opposing colonisation and promoting Christianity. Britain First generally share fake pictures of foreigners going about their business in Middle Eastern cities, claiming the snap was taken in York or Swindon. Photos of Pakistani cricket supporters...
The Conservative Party is staring into oblivion after not being able to muster a majority to vote to protect their flagship policy - Iain Duncan Smith’s vilified Universal Credit. The Labour Party voted to pause the botched benefits reforms with 299 votes to 0 to win another popular victory after their recent unchallenged vote to roll back nurses’ pay cap. "The ayes to the right 299, the noes to the left, 0. - The ayes have it, the ayes have it,”...
Donald Trump has claimed once again that the United States is the "highest taxed country in the world" in a speech aimed at pushing through massive tax cuts. The President said "we’re the highest taxed country in the world, and yet we may get no Democrat support," in a speech this week. The claim has been proven false by several independent analyses on numerous occasions. Even when state tax, federal tax, municipal tax, fees and fines are accounted for the US is...
Public sector workers are being forced to go to food banks to eat - that is an absolute disgrace and it must stop An uprising of ‘Maybots’ will descend on Parliament Square today as part of a mass rally against the public sector pay cap. The sinister Prime Ministerial mechanoids will be seen holding up a giant arm pinching money from the pockets of public sector workers. credit: © Jess Hurd/GMB GMB research shows the average public sector workers has...
New statistics have indicated that the number of hate crimes in the UK rose substantially since Britain voted for Brexit, and began the, probably long and drawn out process, of leaving the European project Home Office statistics show a 29% increase in recorded hate crimes in 2016/17. Hate crimes include any crime motivated by race, religion, sexuality, disability, or transgender, rose more than 80,000, almost twice the level recorded only four years ago. Polish man, Arkadiusz Jozwik, died after he...
More misery for five million public sector workers as their wages take yet another hammering GMB says public sector workers are at breaking point as inflation hits three per cent. The latest ONS figures show CPI is up to 3 per cent from 2.9 per cent - a five-and-a-half year high. The rise means more than five million public sector workers will see an even bigger real terms wage cut due to the pay cap. On average, each public sector...
Parliament heard a stern warning that the Government is not ready to meet the challenges of dealing with immigration post Brexit today. Home Secretary Amber Rudd’s deputy Brandon Lewis MP was fielding Home Office questions in parliament and insisted: "We are confident that a positive deal can be reached, but we are of course preparing for every outcome. While we cannot comment on the detailed planning, government departments are working together across a range of complex issues to develop our...
Shock figures released by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) show that Britain is £490 billion poorer than was thought. Britain’s stock of wealth has fallen from a surplus of of £469 billion to a net deficit of £22 billion. The UK has totally lost its reserve of foreign assets, and is actually in a much more vulnerable deficit, losing any safety margin just Theresa May’s government is attempting a breakthrough in a crucial stage of Brexit negotiations. This massive... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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