Women shout “shame on you” as Tory minister says they should get apprenticeships when they lose pension

Tory Minister Guy Opperman was heckled today as the Tory party faced yet more splits - this time over robbing women in the 60s of their state pension. In a rowdy debate in Westminster Hall, MPs from all parties rounded on the government for leaving millions of women born in the 1950s without a state pension after laws to equalise the state pension age for men and women at the age of 65. This will rise to age 66 by...

Austerity-hit Britain can’t even fund jobs in Jobcentres as closures announced

Britain has become so strangled by government-driven cuts that it can't even fund jobs in Jobcentres. According to the Department for Work and Pensions 750 people are to be put out of work as Jobcentres across UK close in a big shake-up. A total of 68 smaller jobcentres will be merged with larger ones, and 40 others will be moved within local government buildings under efficiency savings. Four will be closed entirely. That means that The Jobcentre staff who help people look for...

Almost 2.5 million children hit by cruel public sector pay cap, says research

More than one million households with children suffering under ‘cruel’ Government pay pinch Shocking new figures from GMB, the union for public sector workers, show almost 2.5 million children are being hit by the public sector pay cap. Analysis of the latest ONS figures show an estimated 2.4 million children live in 1.4 million households where at least one adult works in the public sector as their main job. The average full time public sector workers in the UK has...

Wildlife campaigners fear Brexit will see record levels of dolphins washed up dead on British beaches

Wildlife campaigners fear that more dolphins will be found washed up dead on British beaches - because of BREXIT. Almost 200 dolphins and porpoises have been found dead on Cornish beaches already this year with the sharpest-ever rise recorded between January and April. Most of the protection for the mammals comes from the EU but once we leave campaigners say even more will die with no replacement legislation currently proposed. A petition urging Fisheries Minister George Eustice to put laws...

Tory MP appears in court for expense fiddling over election battle bus

A Tory MP and his two aides accused of misdeclaring expenses after breaching election campaign spending limits in the 2015 general election will face trial, a court heard today. South Thanet MP Craig Mackinlay, 50, is said to have not properly reported expenses in his local return. Mackinlay, his election agent at the time Nathan Gray, 28, and campaign specialist Marion Little, 62, were all charged under the Representation of the People Act 1983. The charges relate to allegations that...

ANOTHER u-turn! Govt reverses planned cuts to free school meals

The Conservatives make astonishing volte face over threat to deprive kids of school lunches. GMB, the union for school support staff, is celebrating news the Government has performed another massive U-turn – this time on the decision to take away free school meals. The Conservatives prompted outcry in May when they announced plans to take away kids’ school dinners. GMB research showed the move could see up to 17,000 school dinner staff face redundancy. But today during an urgent question...

Vote Leave director says vote to leave could be ‘an error’

The Vote Leave director who created the £350m NHS lie on a bus has admitted leaving the EU could be 'an error'. Mr Cummings’ u-turn came in a late-night Twitter exchange in which he was asked whether anything could happen to “wish Leave had not won the referendum?” In reply, he wrote: “Lots! I said before REF was dumb idea, other things shdve been tried 1st. In some possible branches of the future leaving will be an error.” He also described the...

Owen Smith claims he would have won GE2017 if he had defeated Corbyn

Owen Smith has claimed he would have won the 2017 General Election if he had defeated Jeremy Corbyn. The former Labour leadership contender tried to oust Corbyn in July 2016 because of fractions in the party. He wrote on Twitter at the time: "On July 27 I asked @jeremycorbyn 3 times if he was prepared to see our party split & worse, wanted it to. He offered no answer". He continued, "In the same meeting, in response to the same question...

Donald Trump may be “sneaked in” to UK to avoid protesters

Preparations may be underway to sneak US President Donald Trump in to the UK in order to avoid protesters. According to a source close to the White House Theresa May's team are on standby for a visit, which may be confirmed only 24 hours in advance so anti-Trump protesters won't have time to disrupt a visit. The source was quoted as saying: "There is a window of opportunity for the president to visit Britain when he is in Europe later...

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