Senior Tory Jacob Ress-Mogg told LBC radio that he was saddened by The Republic of Ireland’s decision to repeal its 8th amendment and allow abortions to take place in the country. The vote was a historic victory for Irish people who had been campaigning for the amendment’s repeal ever since it was passed in 1983. However, the result was welcomed by the PM, Mrs May who tweeted : ‘The Irish Referendum yesterday was an impressive show of democracy which delivered...
Brexit has allowed concrete issues to be "swept under the carpet" while we deal with abstract notions of sovereignty, The New European editor Matt Kelly has said. Speaking on Media Masters podcast Kelly said we are facing many real problems in society that are being ignored because of the ongoing debate on the EU. The Conservatives have been allowed to skirt "real" issues such as the NHS, the North/South divide, the size of classrooms and waiting times at A&E because the...
Boris Johnson has suggested that the biggest roadblock to Anglo-Argentina relations is the EU during his recent visit to South America. The prominent Brexiteer claimed he was the first Foreign Secretary in 50 years to visit Peru and the first in 25 years to go to Chile and Argentina, suggesting this was because being a member of the EU had made the UK "more Eurocentric and less instinctively global than we had been". His comments overlook the fact that the EU already...
Richard Holden, 32, an aide to former Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon, denies sexually assaulting the woman at a party
Boris Johnson became the latest victim of infamous Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus after the duo called pretending to be the new prime minister of Armenia. The Foreign Secretary congratulated the caller on his election success before going on to discuss highly sensitive topics such as UK-Russia relations, the Salisbury poisoning and Syria. According to the latest reports the hoax callers talked to Alan Duncan first, and his private office gave them a number for the Foreign Secretary on his recommendation. After congratulating...
During yesterday’s PMQs Jeremy Corbyn highlighted the amount of family doctors who are leaving the profession. Worryingly he said that these essential medical staff are “leaving the profession in despair” at the pressures of the profession. Mr Corbyn said that four thousand GPs “have retired early in the past five years – that’s one in ten.” Alongside this large reduction in GP numbers, a survey also reported that almost 17 per cent of GPs have had to turn down patients...
Jacob Rees Mogg has told his fellow MPs to respect their constituents' vote on Brexit, despite his area of Bath and North East Somerset voting overwhelmingly to remain in the European Union. The outspoken MP says the Conservative Central Office has launched "an effective campaign to hold to account MPs whose constituents voted leave but seek to stop Brexit". But he made no account of any action against MPs whose constituents voted remain but are pushing for a hard split...
The Institute for Fiscal Studies and Health Foundation said the NHS would need an extra 4% a year - or £2,000 per UK household - for the next 15 years. The report said the NHS has been struggling to cope after the toughest financial constraints in its 70-year history had been imposed on the service. Niall Dickson, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, which commissioned the report and represents 85% of NHS bodies, said: “This report is a wake-up call. And its...
Richard Holden, 33, was working for Sir Michael when he was accused of groping a woman under her skirt at a Christmas party – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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