Theresa May grilled on apartheid stance ahead of visit to Robben Island

Theresa May was asked “What did you do to help the release of Nelson Mandela?” ahead of her visit to Robben Island yesterday. The prime minister came under scrutiny over her stance on apartheid as she prepared to visit a prison that held captive political campaigners during a period of institutionalised racial segregation in South Africa. Channel 4’s Michael Crick asked whether May protested apartheid or whether she towed the party line at the time which viewed Nelson Mandela as...

Theresa May awkwardly side steps party rows claiming No Deal Brexit “wouldn’t be the end of the world”

If it’s her awkward dance moves in a Cape Town school that cause embarrassment as Theresa May kicks off her tour of Africa, it’s a welcome distraction from a more awkward dance to the tune of her party – bitterly divided on the consequences of a No Deal Brexit. Shuffling from side to side ( as some suggested - “doing the Maybot” ) drew attention away from her awkward two-step with the reality of what is negotiable with the European...

Blue Momentum takeover of local Conservative branches driven by ex-Ukip members

The Conservatives are at risk of being overrun by a ‘blue Momentum-style’ takeover at local Conservative branches – with former Ukipers leading the march. An increase in membership has been reported by 42 out of 75 local associations, with many noting a change since the Chequers deal was agreed by the Cabinet, according to The Sunday Times. Campaigner John Stafford said the rise came from ex-Ukip members rejoining because they want to vote in a leadership contest to replace Mrs...

No deal papers paint bleak outlook for British businesses

Businesses can expect a lot more red tape, extra bureaucracy and additional costs in the event of a no deal, the government’s initial papers reveal. Dominic Raab presented the first 24 of 80 papers prepared by the government to explain plans that would mitigate the impact of a no deal Brexit. The papers contain a host of new regulatory regimes, doubling up of registration and extra processes for British business and consumers. Before importing goods from the EU businesses will...

“Zombie” Tories received more money from the dead than the living in 2017, party figures show

The Conservative Party received more money from dead people in legacies than they did from membership fees from living people last year, party figures show.  Membership plummeted by 40 per cent in 2017, returning just £835,000 to the party's coffers compared to £1.5 million the year before.  But the Conservatives managed to bag £1.7 million from dead people in the form of bequests, compared to £301,000 in 2016. That means they received more from dead people than they did from the living,...

Conservative Party suffers collapse in membership fees

The Conservative party has suffered a collapse in the income it draws from membership fees as Labour and the Liberal Democrats see significant increases. According to party accounts the money earned from their membership plummeted by more than 40 per cent in 2017. By contrast membership income for the Labour party grew by around 12 per cent, while the Liberal Democrats saw theirs rise by almost a third. The shocking figures will add to the concern over the Tory party’s...

Brits £13 a week poorer than they were 10 years ago

Average earnings in Britain are £13 a week lower than they were ten years ago, a Resolution Foundation report has revealed. The damning study found the ‘Just About Managing’ group accounted for half of the rise in employment since 2008/09, meaning The Conservatives’ oft celebrated jobs boom has been driven by those on the lowest incomes. Employment across the bottom third of households made up 1.2 million of the 2.1 million increase in jobs between 2008-2017. And job insecurity remains...

BBC sacks Dr Phil Hammond for vow to stand against Jacob Rees-Mogg

Broadcaster, doctor and vocal NHS campaigner Dr Phil Hammond announced on Tuesday that he would stand as a candidate for the National Health Action Party (NHA) in North East Somerset where Rees-Mogg is currently MP. Just hours later he tweeted that he had been fired from his Saturday mid-morning show on BBC Radio Bristol.  The physician and health campaigner who has made never made a secret of his politics, thanked his team and listeners. The health campaigner tweeted that...

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