Treasury Parliamentary Private Secretary Scott Mann has handed his resignation in protest over the so-called "Chequers Deal". Mann becomes the ninth MP to hand in his resignation in eight days after David Davis and Boris Johnson led the way last week. (10 MPs if you include May ally Andrew Griffiths resigning over filthy texts to constituents.) Robert Courts, who represents David Cameron's former seat of Witney in Oxfordshire, announced he will also walk away in a Tweet sent out yesterday. The...
Britain's anti-Trump protest was the largest against any foreign leader ever in the country's history, according to MSNBC reports. More than 250,000 demonstrators took to the streets to protest against Donald Trump's visit, with Trafalgar Square and other key London landmarks bustling with campaigners throughout the day. Jeremy Corbyn joined protesters, telling them Theresa May shouldn't have "rolled out the red carpet" for the US president after his treatment of immigrants. Ed Miliband, who was also at the rally, insisted Corbyn would...
Theresa May has today revealed what Donald Trump's elusive nugget of advice was over the EU. The US president told reporters at a press conference on Friday that he had told May how to deal with Union. He said his suggestion was found to be "too brutal" by the Prime Minister, and it's clear to see why. Trump had apparently told May that Britain should sue the EU rather than negotiate. Talking on the BBC's Andrew Mar show May said: "He...
Local campaign launched to reflect 74% of the public that believe new Royal Auxillary ships should be built in Britain. The Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions (CSEU), an amalgamation of 5 Trade Unions including GMB and Unite trade unions in the South West are calling on the government to ensure the next generation Royal Fleet Auxiliary ships are built in British shipyards, including local yards in the South West. The Fleet Solid Support (FSS) order is due to be...
Campaigners have descended on London today to protest the arrival of US President Donald Trump in the UK. The President landed at Stansted Airport yesterday and made his way to the house of the US Ambassador before attending a black-tie dinner on Thursday at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire. Today he is set to have a working lunch with Theresa May at Chequers before meeting the Queen and then flying to Turnberry resort in Scotland to play golf. But a day of...
Workers and employers still have zero clarity about what the practical impact of Brexit will be, union warns GMB, Britain's general union, has warned Ministers’ “shambolic” unveiling of its Brexit White Paper today reflect the shambles the Government is making of Brexit. Under-fire incoming Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab announced the paper to the House of Commons this afternoon amidst criticism for delays in publishing the proposals. Tim Roache, GMB General Secretary said:“Shambolic scenes in the Commons reflect the general shambles the...
The House of Commons had to be suspended as angry MPs raged at the new Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab for presenting Theresa May's Berexit White Paper to MPs without a chance for them to read it first before they have a chance to ask questions. Shadow Brexit Secretary Keir Starmer asked why the press had been given a copy hours before he or other MPs had. As the Tory Chief Whip whispered to the Brexit Minister, his Labour counterpart asked...
The Conservatives suffered blows across every metric in a post-Chequers poll. Labour opened up a two point gap ahead of Theresa May's beleaguered party following a raft of resignations last week, with just 13 per cent of the British public saying they believe we will get a good deal out of Brexit. Forty-two per cent said they expect a bad deal to be in the offing and just 23 per cent say the deal "respects the referendum", indicating that the...
Researchers found that members of the public in both Britain and the United States have far greater trust in scientific experts than the government – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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