Economists at the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) say growth will slow to 1.1 per cent this year. The influential business lobby group is also highly concerned of the impact of a no-deal Brexit. Shockingly, this would be the slowest rate of growth since the global financial crisis of 2009. The previous prediction was 1.3 per cent, still a sluggish growth rate for the UK economy. Adam Marshall, the group’s director general, said the UK economy is slowing to a...
Former foreign secretary spoke as arrived back from America
Another public vote on Brexit was never inevitable, or something I ever thought I’d have to call for. But the government’s abject failure – and the huge risk we face.. means that giving people a fresh say is now the right – and only – approach left
Aidan Loy, an aide to ex-PM Michael Howard, was spared jail despite racking up five convictions for drink-driving, a misconduct hearing was told.
The finding adds to previous studies suggesting men with wide faces have higher levels of testosterone - and are more likely to consider cheating on their partners.
GMB, Britain’s general union, today announced its backing for Sadiq Khan’s to continue as the Labour Party’s Mayoral candidate in the upcoming 2020 London contest. Paul Maloney, GMB Southern Regional Secretary said: “In the face of savage austerity and a Tory Government, Sadiq has worked tirelessly as Mayor to support Londoners. “By investing in social and council housing, freezing transport fares and with record City Hall investment in the Met police to tackle gun and knife crime, Sadiq has shown...
Data obtained by the LGC (Local Government Chronicle) has found that a staggering £4bn has been spent since 2010, reports The Local Government Chronicle. This shocking figure shows how much local government has been damaged by austerity, and at such a high cost to tax payers. The LGC data, which covers 2010-11 to 2017-18, came from Freedom of Information requests. Shockingly David Paine, a LGC journalist , who carried out the research, said the figures did not reflect large pay-offs...
The latest Z/Yen Global Financial Centres Index showed New York overtaking the UK's capital for the first time since 2015. The City think tank said there was evidence London had been knocked, but only slightly, by uncertainty over Brexit. However, it doesn’t make great reading to see London knocked off its perch as we approach the potential stormy waters of Post-Brexit Britian. Zurich, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Vienna, and Milan moved up the rankings significantly. The study reported: "These centres may be...
Michael O’Leary, the boss of Europe’s biggest low-cost airline had some stark warning over a no-deal Brexit He said “Flights to and from Europe will be stopped in a hard deal Brexit,” the Irishman told a news conference. “There is no assurance.” However, he added: “I don’t believe that a no-flight scenario will last for more than a couple of days or a couple of weeks; because I think politically, it is unassailable.” O’Leary said that the negotiations are “running... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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