Jeremy Corbyn made his conference speech and piled even more pressure on Theresa May and her Brexit deal. The Labour Leader said that the PM should call a general election if she could not get her plan through parliament. Corbyn said leaving the EU without a deal would be “a national disaster” and that “if parliament votes down a Tory deal or the government fails to reach any deal at all we would press for a general election”. The Labour...
A heart-breaking speech by Jessie Joe Jacobs is going viral on social media after she highlighted the highest rate of suicide among young women ever. The former youth worker told the story of a young girl who was distressed, crying and walking into the sea in a passionate speech delivered to the Labour Party Conference yesterday. Her intervention prevented a potential suicide, but as Jacobs asks, “who would she have talked to if not a stranger on the beach?” The...
Today Mr Trump criticised much of the UN's work including; the Iran deal, the human rights council, the international criminal court, OPEC, multilateral trade agreements, migration compacts and foreign aid arrangements. His speech seemed to be playing to a domestic political audience, rather than to the rest of the world. Donald Trump's second-ever address to the UN was then met with laughter by the audience. He said: “One year ago I stood before you for the first time in this grand...
Sir Keir Starmer’s comments over Brexit may have come as a surprise to Corbyn’s office, after he said that “nobody is ruling out Remain.” Starmer was given a standing ovation after his comments. Speaking to the Labour Party conference, Sir Keir said that if Labour could not secure a general election “we must have other options”. He continued: “That must include campaigning for a public vote. “It is right that Parliament has the first say but if we need to...
GMB general secretary Tim Roache, today told Labour conference the Prime Minister must put Brexit proposals to a public vote. The union leader added if Theresa May can’t get a deal that works for working people she must step aside. Mr Roache made the comments and as he moved Moving 'Composite Motion 5 - Brexit' at Labour Party Conference in Liverpool today. Tim Roache, GMB General Secretary, said: “If Theresa May is so confident in achieving a deal that working people, our...
Former Sunderland manager and England player Peter Reid targeted Tory Brexiteers at a People's Vote rally in Liverpool this weekend. The celebrated footballer labelled Boris Johnson, Michael Gove and Jacob Rees-Mogg as "absolute dopes" for the way they misled the public in the 'Leave' campaign. Speaking to his native Liverpudlians outside the iconic Liver Building on the bank of the Mersey he also asked for people to think about our children in deciding the country's future relationship with Europe. He said: "The...
Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell told the Labour Conference he would end the profiteering of privatised water and set up a new publicly owned water system that puts control back in the hands of the people. GMB, the union for water industry workers, has welcomed an announcement. The Union is running the campaign to Take Back the Tap and return the water industry into public hands The campaign is supported by six pledges to water industry workers, including investment, health and safety,...
The star famed for his Grumpy Old Man act as Victor Meldrew enticed by restaurant's 'Brexit special'
Both workers and businesses will thrive under Labour Party plans to force large firms to give workers shares in the company, a Warwick Business School professor has said. John McDonnell set out proposals to make large corporations give workers shares worth up to £500 each year as part of a radical shake up that looks to broaden ownership in our economy. In his main party conference speech, the shadow chancellor set out plans for "inclusive ownership funds" as well as... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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