From austerity, to Brexit, to economic collapse. That is the story of how the Conservatives have crippled the country over consecutive parliamentary terms and now the details have been exposed in full in a damning new study. According to a comprehensive research paper by University of Warwick economics professor Thiemo Fetzer Tory austerity and welfare cuts directly caused Brexit. The study concluded that if austerity had not happened, the Leave vote in 2016 would have been 9.51 percentage points lower and “could have swung...
A French drugs company has increased it stock to give it a 14 week buffer in the case of a hard Brexit. The company, Sanofi, is increasing various product lines, including insulin. The concern is that if the UK can’t reach a deal with the UK there could be transportation issues by land and air. Hugo Fry, managing director, Sanofi UK said: "The uncertainty in the Brexit negotiations means that Sanofi has been planning for a 'no deal' scenario." He...
The probability of No Deal is increasing by the day, Jeremy Hunt has said in his first newspaper interview since taking over as Britain’s top diplomat. Speaking to the Evening Standard he appealed to the European Commission to strike a “sensible” pro-jobs trade deal with Britain, saying "there is real chance of No Deal by accident". He stressed that such a chaotic scenario would cause job losses on both sides of the Channel and hit EU businesses by stemming the flow of...
The car industry has been one of the most vocal against Brexit due to the damage it could inflict on car production in the UK. Now Mike Hawes, chief executive of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders has said that none of the car makers in the UK is ready for a no-deal Brexit. He said he is “increasingly concerned” about the UK failing to reach any kind of deal with the EU. A “no deal” Brexit means that...
John McDonnell has sent early warning signs to London's financial sector saying he wants to "transform capitalism" and they had "better get used to it". The Shadow Chancellor pulled no punches in a strongly-worded interview with CityAM today. He said "we are sixth or fifth biggest economy in the world and yet at the same time we can't house our own people, a million foodbank parcels handed out last year - that is a system that's not working". His sentiment echoe that of...
Jeremy Hunt recently promoted to Foreign Secretary and in China a bid to establish new trade connections managed to get the nationality of his wife wrong in a botched bid to ingratiate himself with his hosts. Hunt, Britain’s top diplomat now managed to mix up regional rivals Japan and China, as well as mistake his wife’s nationality, boasting “my wife is Japanese.” He hastily corrected himself, telling his counterpart, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi: “my wife is Chinese. That’s a...
A group of almost 40 MPs have come together to sign an open letter pleading for a second referendum over Brexit, reports the Daily Mirror. The MPs form a cross party alliance hoping that the nation is given another chance to decide if leaving the EU is the what they really want. The letter reads: “Brexit is taking longer and costing more than we thought, and it’s been changing our communities, our hospitals and our job prospects in ways that...
The financial services industry must “unite and fight” against a no-deal Brexit that potentially erodes clients’ rights and damages the financial sector itself, warns the boss of one of the world’s largest independent financial services organisations. The warning from deVere Group founder and CEO, Nigel Green, comes as the UK's International Trade Secretary, Liam Fox, said that Britain should accept a ‘no-deal’ scenario, instead of requesting more negotiating time. It also follows MPs being told earlier this week by the Association of British Insurers that...
Theresa May's Chequers plan has fallen at the first hurdle after the EU's chief negotiator ruled out allowing the UK to collect customs duties on its behalf. Michel Barnier said the UK wanted to "take back control" of its money, law and borders - but so did the EU. He said the EU would not delegate "excises duty collection to a non-member", effectively sabotaging the compromised plan May put to the cabinet earlier this month. Although both he and the new... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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