Electoral data highlights stark racial divide in Alabama

White Alabamans voted enthusiastically for Donald Trump's Republican candidate in yesterday's election. Doug Jones became the first Democrat in 25 years to win a US Senate seat for Alabama after a bitter campaign against Roy Moore. His unexpected victory deals a blow to President Donald Trump, who backed Mr Moore, and narrows the Republican majority in the Senate to 51-49. Mr Moore has been criticised for being a white supremacist in the past and has alleged sexual assaults against his name....

Tory aide accused of raping woman in MP’s office

A Tory aide raped a woman in his MP boss's office after a night of drinking in a parliamentary bar, a court heard. Samuel Armstrong, 24, the chief of staff to South Thanet MP Craig Mackinlay, is accused of carrying out the attack on October 14 last year. The distressed woman was then found wandering the corridors of Westminster before being found by cleaners, it was alleged. He is on trial at Southwark Crown Court charged with two charges of...

Government bows to public pressure over animal sentience

Environment Secretary Michael Gove has bowed to public pressure over animal sentience, saying he will "make Brexit work for animals". In a speech today he said he will enhance animal welfare standards, increasing the maximum prison sentence for 'animal cruelty' from six months to five years in England and Wales. He said: "Animals are sentient beings who feel pain and suffering, so we are writing that principle into law and ensuring that we protect their welfare. "We are a nation of...

Shadow Health Secretary tells Parliament of “NHS pushed to the brink” as NHS managers back Kerslake’s warnings

After the chair of one of the country’s top NHS trusts resigned in protest against government NHS cuts making his and other hospital's job impossible, the shadow health secretary made an emergency statement to the House of Commons today. "Lord Kerslake said our NHS faces the tightest spending figures in recent times,” said Labour’s Jonathan Ashworth. “Doesn’t that mean like at Kings -  continued hospital deficits, growing waiting lists, greater rationing of care, the dropping of the 18 week target,...

Jeremy Corbyn: “It is impossible to believe this is a government capable of negotiating a good deal for this country”

After a weekend of highly publicised squabbles among the soft and hard Brexit supporting elements of the Tory party, Theresa May reported to parliament on the first stage of Brexit negotiations, which she insisted was "good news" for both people who want to remain in the EU and those who voted to leave. Jeremy Corbyn, referring to the Tory splits and Brexit Secretary's conflicting statements on dire issues such as the future of Northern Ireland, the Brexit bill and revealing...

Labour makes gains on SNP in Scotland – could this be the key to unlocking a Westminster majority?

The Scottish Labour Party is making gains on the SNP in a shift that could unlock a Westminster majority for Jeremy Corbyn. According to a political poll for Sunday Post Labour has gained three points on the SNP, with the Conservatives also losing ground. The latest voting intention in Scotland reveals that SNP are on 38 per cent with Labour now on 29 per cent. Based on Martin Baxter’s Electoral Calculus seat predictor that would mean a gain of six seats...

Failure to rehouse Grenfell Tower survivors “a disgrace”, says Jeremy Corbyn

In a statement, regarding the disaster, the Labour leader said: “It is a disgrace that the majority of Grenfell residents have still not been given homes and that tower blocks across our country have still not been made safe. We need answers from the government and we need action. “Grenfell was an entirely avoidable human disaster. The government must act now to prevent it from being repeated.” After the disaster, PM May promised that all survivors would be found a...

Over 50,000 people demand Richard Branson’s Virgin Care to hand back £328,000 Surrey contract dispute payout

A huge row has broken out in Surrey after Virgin Care was handed a £328,000 payout after taking legal action against six Surrey clinical commissioning groups, Surrey County Council and NHS England, reports the Get Surrey. Virgin Care lost out on a lucrative contact to provide healthcare in the county and was able to sue over contractual issues, after missing out on the bid. Local residents have launched a campaign to get Virgin care, owned by Richard Branson, “return the...

Stephen Hawking joins fight to prevent Jeremy Hunt privatising the NHS

Professor Stephen Hawking has joined a lawsuit aimed at preventing greater privatisation of the National Health Service. The revered professor, who has been vocal about the dismantling of the NHS, added his name to legal action seeking to prevent the establishment of "accountable care organisations" (ACOs) in the NHS, which threaten to ration certain resources within the system. Trade Union BMA has warned the ACOs ‘risk the potential for non-NHS providers taking over the provision of care for entire health economies’. But Health Secretary...

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