Leading Brexit campaigner recorded praising Nazi propaganda

A leading Brexit campaigner has been recorded praising Nazi propaganda. Andy Wigmore of the Leave.EU campaign said Nazi techniques had been "very clever", admitting that the Brexit campaign group fronted by Nigel Farage used outrage techniques to gain attention. Speaking to academic researcher Dr. Emma Briant, who recorded the conversation, he said: "The propaganda machine of the Nazis, for instance - if you take away all the hideous horror and that kind of stuff - it was very clever, the way...

Home Office destroyed thousands of Windrush immigrants’ landing card slips

The Home Office was responsible for destroying thousands of landing card slips recording Windrush immigrants’ arrival dates in the UK, a former employee has revealed. Despite warnings that the move would make it harder to check the records of older Caribbean-born residents experiencing residency difficulties, it was decided in 2010 to destroy the disembarkation cards, which dated back to the 1950s and 60s, when the Home Office’s Whitgift Centre in Croydon was closed and the staff were moved to another site. According...

The Tories “don’t want you to vote” in local elections

Jeremy Corbyn says the Conservatives "don't want you to vote" in the upcoming elections after the party refrained from posting anything about the looming deadline for registrations. You are required to register by 17 April to vote in the local and mayoral elections in England on 3 May, but the Tories have yet to send out any reminders about the cut-off. That's in stark contrast to the elections in 2016, when they sent out a prominent warning on their Facebook...

Watch: David Lammy describes Conservatives “small U-turn” on Windrush generation a “day of national shame”

Labour MP David Lammy poured scorn on the Conservative Party in the House of Commons today, describing their "small U-turn" on the Windrush generation as a "day of national shame". Speaking after Amber Rudd announced that a new task force would be set up to help Commonwealth immigrants facing deportation he said the government should "guarantee the status of all the Windrush children caught up in this crisis". The Tottenham MP said it was a "national shame" that it had taken so...

Theresa May sends OAPs letter asking for donations to the Tory party addressed “Dear Mr F***ingjoking.”

  An elderly couple have received a letter from Theresa May asking for their support in the upcoming local elections addressed “Dear Mr Fuckingjoking." Their neighbour posted it on social media, along with the enclosed form asking for a donation to the Conservative Party that she says accompanied the rude missive. “Trying to argue they can run the country when they can’t even work mail merge,” said Laura McCormack, adding, “my elderly neighbours were more than a little upset to be...

Brexit museum to tell the story of Britain’s tumultuous 45-year journey to sovereignty

Plans for a Brexit Museum have been embraced by prominent Leave politicians, with calls for it to be built "big enough to include the iconic red Brexit bus". The first steps towards the creation of the so-called "Museum of Sovereignty" were announced yesterday as Eurosceptics began assembling the memorabilia, texts of speeches and newspaper cuttings that tell the story of Britain’s "tumultuous 45-year journey to leaving the EU". The museum will celebrate Eurosceptic heroes who challenged Britain’s EU membership, from Labour...

Are we ignoring the lessons from tower block fires?

The Grenfell Tower tragedy shocked the nation, and a full enquiry is underway. But, if lessons from the Lakanal Tower block fire in Camberwell in 2009 didn’t effect change, what hope can we have that Grenfell will? Are the lessons from social housing tower block fire tragedies being ignored? Many aren’t convinced that lessons have been learned, and confidence in the Grenfell Inquiry amongst the surviving local community is at an all-time low. Musician, and Grime star, Stormzy brought renewed...

Donald Trump tells Russia “get ready we’re coming”

Donald Trump issued a provocative tweet this morning telling Russia to get ready for US missiles just hours after Moscow's UN envoy Vasily Nebenzia warned the US against military action. The US President tweeted: "Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria. "Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and “smart!” You shouldn’t be partners with a Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it!" His tough rhetoric comes as Western leaders agree...

Public safety and terrorism: is London prepared?

The threat of another terrorist attack in London is very real. In March and June last year, Islamic extremists snuck under the counter-terrorism radar to commit two deadly terror attacks. They ended London’s status as having escaped the recent Islamic terrorist focus on attacks in Europe. Today the UK’s capital remains a prominent target for terror. The terror threat level as assessed by MI5 is severe. So the question on everyone’s minds – is London prepared for further potential terrorist...

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