An MEP was roundly applauded in parliament after she exposed Nigel Farage’s hypocrisy as he sat meters away. Dutch politician Esther de Lange told parliament not to “take his grandstanding too seriously” after she revealed she needed to “get something off her chest”. Pointing to the former UKIP leader, she told those in Strasbourg: “This is a man who led his party and country to the Brexit vote – only the next day to admit he lied and tricked and...
Government sources says a Brexit deal has been agreed on a “technical level” and will be presented by Theresa May at a Cabinet meeting on Wednesday. Tonight cabinet members are being invited one by one into Number 10 to be shown the terms of the agreement. RTE and other sources are reporting that the UK government has agreed a customs backstop for the whole of the UK to avoid a hard border across Ireland which would have been unacceptable to...
Almost two million turkey crowns and thousands of pallets of cakes, fruit juice and mozzarella sticks are among stockpiled items at a site in Cardiff
A comprehensive list of companies preparing to leave the UK after Brexit has been making the rounds on social media as Theresa May enters final negotiations with the EU, and makes for a sobering reminder of what lies in store for Britain. Many major industries face a significant shock when the country’s divorce from the European Union is delivered, with news that a $240-billion-a-day market is set to leave London for Amsterdam one of many devastating blows to the economy....
We did not come into politics to make people poorer. Nor do we believe people voted to leave because they wanted to make themselves poorer.
Ex-PM Gordon Brown believes that a second referendum will happen and the people need a final say. He also wants Britain to leave the door open to rejoining the EU if it leaves as planned. Speaking at London's Institute for Government, Mr Brown claimed May’s deal is nothing more a ‘temporary, short-term fix,’ and her divided party could damage Britain in the long-term. He said: "Even with a deal our end-point - Canada or Norway - is unresolved. Our long-term relationship...
A leading business figure has slammed Brexit and the Government's handling of the negotiations. Terry Sargeant, boss of ThyssenKrupp in UK, believes that Ministers are more focused on keeping their party together rather than ensuring that businesses are not harmed post-Brexit. Mr Sargeant told The Guardian: “If you make a market more difficult than it is at the moment, then what is the attraction to the investor? “I do not see how we can continue doing business where supply chains...
Twitter has reacted with fury over news that British Airways is reportedly seeking the support of the Spanish government to keep its planes flying in the event of a no-deal Brexit. Journalist Jonathan Haynes tweeted: “Brexit to make British Airways Spanish? Is this what people voted for?”, whilst Craig Grannell said “laughing stock doesn’t really cover it” following news that the company’s parent owner IAG will seek a closer alliance with Madrid to retain operating rights. EU rules state that...
"Decision one is on the deal; decision two is - if the deal goes down - should there be a general election? "And decision three is - if there's no general election - all options must be on the table, including the option of a public vote. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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