The u-turn on suspending the 'Golden Visa' scheme feels as if it was snuck in as the Brexit situation became febrile yesterday. Only last week the Government said it would halt the scheme as a sweeping crackdown on financial crime. The UK’s anti-corruption policy was under scrutiny on Tuesday after the government failed to implement a promise to suspend a widely criticised “golden visa” scheme. The Home Office announced that the UK’s Tier 1 Investor programme, whereby UK visas are...
The PM is touring EU capitals to keep her deal alive
A cunning analogy comparing Brexit to a cheese submarine is going viral on social media. The Twitter thread, created by funnyman Hugo Rifkind, describes how the best way to understand Theresa May’s predicament is to imagine that 52 percent of Britain had voted that the government should build a submarine out of cheese. Although Theresa May was initially against the idea, because it is a "a completely insane thing to do", she had to build the sub because "cheese means cheese". So she...
Chairman of the 1922 backbench committee Sir Graham Brady says the threshold of 48 letters of no confidence in Theresa May's leadership of the Conservative Party has been reached triggering a ballot which will take place tonight between 6pm and 8pm. If theresa May loses the vote, a leadership contest will begin, which Number 10 say will take six weeks. If Theresa May wins tonight she is safe as leader of the Tory Party for another 12 months. This morning...
Hollywood star Pamela Anderson has said she could have negotiated better conditions than Theresa May’s “dumb deal” in a scathing blog that also saw her confess a crush for Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. The former Baywatch actress took aim at Brexit in the piece making the point that although people in the UK voted to leave the EU, nobody knew at the time what this would actually look like. She also said the Leave camp and its leaders “lied through...
‘The Labour leader believes the PM has demeaned her office after delaying a vote on her Brexit deal. May has spent the day stampeding around Europe trying to get concessions in her deal, hoping it would ensure it gets through Parliament. Opening an emergency Commons debate Corbyn told MPs that May should immediately put the plan before parliament. Corbyn said: “Yesterday the prime minister demeaned her office by unilaterally taking her discredited deal off the table and running away rather...
German chancellor Angela Merkel watched bemused as the beleagured British Prime Minister arrived for crunch talks to save her Brexit deal - and failed to exit her own car. Making a clean exit from her locked car proved tricky for Theresa May who appeared unable to negotiate her child lock. During the 2016 EU referendum campaign, Tory minister and leave campaigner Michael Gove warned that Britain would be like "hostages locked in the back of the car" if the country...
Boris Johnson was crowned the Idiot of the Year and dubbed the "most irresponsible politician the country has seen for many years" at The Economist's alternative awards last night. The former London Mayor and Foreign Secretary pipped Theresa May to the "prize idiot" gong. Citing Brexit the judges said they felt the award should go to "one of the architects of this catastrophe". They added: "He failed miserably as foreign secretary. He sniped at Mrs May while in Cabinet. He has...
Footage of the aftermath - where the incensed elderly Dutchman lashes out at Margaret Thatcher's former trade secretary - was caught by a cameraman. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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