European businesses with Brexit concerns already cutting ties with British suppliers

A new piece of research, of 500 firms, has discovered that European businesses have already cut ties with existing British suppliers. The study was carried out by RSM (a professional services firm) in collaboration with the European Business Awards, who discovered almost ten per cent had moved away from British exports, citing issues over Brexit, reports the City AM. Jean Stephens, chief executive of RSM International, said: “Internationally-minded businesses are currently experiencing one of the most prolonged periods of global...

Theresa’s Nay to Brexit just months before the referendum

Theresa May is being reminded of a speech she made to the Institute of Mechanical Engineers just months before the EU referendum in which she made a passionate case for Britain to remain in the EU. The PM, who largely stayed out of Brexit debate in the run-up to the referendum, told the conference in central London that “it is clearly in our national interest to remain a member of the European Union”. She said the judgement was made on...

Hilarious advert uses reverse psychology to get young people to vote

A hilarious new advert has been rolled out in the US encouraging young people to vote by using reverse psychology. Although voter participation among the young has been going up in America just 50 per cent turned out in the last election, with those who did cast a vote overwhelmingly backing a Democratic candidate over the Republicans. Donald Trump only garnered the support of 37 percent of the millennial electorate in 2016. Comparatively, in 2012, young adults voted for Barack...

Only tiny minority of UK voters want “cold & distant” relationship with EU post-Brexit

Only 4 per cent of UK voters want to have a poor relationship with the EU after leaving the European project. The YouGov survey, on behalf of the Fabian Society, indicates that the vast majority of people want a positive relationship with the remaining member states. 87 per cent want Theresa May to negotiate an agreement that ensures a future relationship with the EU that is either “close and warm” or “practical and neutral”. Andrew Harrop, general secretary of the...

DWP denies charities have been gagged from speaking out against Esther McVey

A Times article reported that charities and companies working within the UC (Universal Credit) parameters have had to sign clauses to ensure they don’t ruin the reputation of Esther McVey, Work and Pensions Secretary. Around 22 organisations, covering around £1.8 billion, have signed these gagging clauses, which the Government denies. However a Government spokesman confirmed contracts did include references to ensure both parties "understand how to interact with each other and protect their best interests". The Times reported that the...

MPs warn that Brexit means Health Department can’t ensure “supply of medicines”

A worrying report by the PAC (Public Accounts Committee) has indicated that the Government is not prepared for a shortage of medicines from a ‘no-deal’ Brexit. Chairwoman of the Committee, Meg Hillier, said: 'Government cannot afford to drag its feet on this critical issue.” The report stated that it was “worrying” that the Health Department “could not assure us of its plans to safeguard the supply of medicines after the UK has exited the European Union”. Hillier said: “While the...

Esther McVey admits some families will be worse off on Universal Credit

The work and pensions secretary, Esther McVey, has admitted some families will be “worse off” under universal credit. These comments contradict the Number 10 who have said Universal Credit will not adversely affect people who are able to access it. This week it was reported that she told a cabinet meeting that half of lone parents and about two-thirds of working-age couples with children would lose around £2,400 a year. This comes after Gordon Brown and Sir John Major warned...

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