Sir Mick Davies has briefed the Conservative Campaign Headquarters to be on election footing, according to emerging reports. The Telegraph's political reporter Steven Swinford says the Tory Part's chief executive told campaign HQ to have the 'resources in place' in event PM is defeated again. But it is thought that the party are struggling to get donors to back another Theresa May campaign, which could lead to a leadership contest. Last year it was revealed the Conservative Party received more money from...
As the possibility of a No deal Brexit continues the impact of this potential scenario is being calculated. The CBI (Confederation of Business Industry) have illustrated the long-term economic decline the North East would disproportionally suffer under a No Deal situation, compared to the rest of the UK. The study has calculated that the annual loss of output in this region would be worth £7billion by 2034, in an area of the country that is already one of the poorest...
David Cameron assured Donald Tusk that there was "no risk of a referendum" after promising to hold a vote on Britain's membership of the European Union in his 2015 General Election manifesto. The former Conservative leader believed he wouldn't need to hold a vote because he expected to fall short of an overall majority and that the Liberal Democrats would block any such move as part of a coalition. In an interview as part of a BBC documentary, Tusk said: "I asked...
"It is time for Labour's alternative plan to take centre stage, while keeping all options on the table, including the option of a public vote."
The latest polling data has put the Conservatives and Labour neck and neck in the race for 10 Downing Street. ICM Research puts Labour one point ahead of the Tories with 40 per cent of the vote. Corbyn's party has increased their share by two points while Theresa May's Conservatives have dropped a point. Elsewhere the Lib Dems, UKIP and the Green Party all remain static with a nine per cent, five per cent and three per cent share of...
A sound expert has claimed Diane Abbott’s microphone was deliberately turned down and the others turned up during her Question Time appearance on the BBC. Producer Martyn Ware says the volume was decreased to make her sound weaker and to make it more difficult for her to defend herself. The accusations come as the Labour party lodge a formal complaint with the BBC over the treatment of the shadow home secretary on Question Time. According to reports the show's new host,...
Brexit dithering has cost Labour some 150,000 members and £6 million, according to party insiders. The number of paid-up activists now stands at around 385,000 - down from a peak of more 500,000 in 2017 - amid fury at Jeremy Corbyn's Brexit stance, the Sunday Times has claimed. Sinking numbers has hit Labour's coffers to the tune of around £6 million. Corbyn has been caught between a rock and a hard place over Brexit. While the majority of its members back a second...
The fortunes of the world’s richest people rose by £2 billion a day last year, while the wealth of the poorest dwindled by 11 per cent. Some 3.4 billion people were forced to survive on less than £4.27 a day each according to new Oxfam research. The 26 richest people globally now hold the same wealth as the poorest half of the population – compared with the richest 43 in 2017. According to the Public Good or Private Wealth? study...
A groundbreaking investigation into public sector pensions has revealed the 22 individuals who run UK government departments have an annual average pot of £907,273. The TaxPayers’ Alliance (TPA) has today revealed the details of some of the most generous unfunded pensions in Whitehall, with Sir Simon McDonald, head of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, currently sitting on a pension pot valued at £1,858,000. Fourteen of the top government bureaucrats will also receive a huge lump sum payout in addition to their annual... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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