Today Theresa May had a series of meeting with union leaders regarding Brexit. Len McCluskey, general secretary of Unite , TUC general secretary Frances O’Grady, Dave Prentis of Unison and Tim Roache of the GMB, held separate meetings with the PM and senior figures in the Goverment. Yesterday Len McCluskey, general secretary of Unit stressed a no-deal Brexit would be "disastrous". After his meeting today (Thursday) with Prime Minister Theresa May to discuss Brexit, GMB General Secretary Tim Roache said:...
Kent County Council has advised teachers and pupils on what to expect if Britain crashes out of the EU in March, which it expects will cause huge customs-related traffic jams - which are likely to negatively affect air quality. The advice includes "possible lockdowns", disrupted exams, and more "unaccompanied asylum seeking children" arriving in the area. Under a section headed "Potential challenges to schools and communities" schools are advised to "consider planning for possible lockdown if air quality deteriorates". The...
Tom Enders, the head of Airbus, a major UK employer has not held back over his thoughts on the Government’s handling of Brexit. Enders slammed the Government branding it a “disgrace” and said the business might be forced to leave these shores, post-Brexit, to ensure they can compete in the global marketplace. Airbus, which employs more than 14,000 people in the UK with around 110,000 more jobs connected in supply chain. He said: “In a global economy the UK no...
The revolving door between Government and big business is a well-trodden path, which shows no signs of abating. Now former Brexit Secretary, David Davis, will trouser a colossal £3,000 an hour as an advisor to JCB. The firm ploughs million into the Conservative Party. It total Davis will be paid £60k for 20 hours work per annum. He will receive £50 a minute for his work. Davis said he had complied with the rules concerning former ministers' employment. He resigned from...
Huw Merriman was filmed pointing out Michael Fabricant's wig and mouthing "It's a wig"
The hostile atmosphere over Brexit could be exploited by far-right extremists, claims the UK's most senior counter-terrorism officer Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu said 18 terror plots were foiled in Britain since 2017, four of them far-right. Mr Basu told the BBC: "We saw a spike in hate crime after the referendum, that's never really receded. "So there's always a possibility people are being radicalised by the kind of febrile atmosphere we've got at the moment. "We want people to report...
Sony has become the second major brand within two days to announce it is to move its headquarters out of the UK. The company will move its European HQ from Weybridge to the Netherlands to help it avoid customs issues tied to Britain's exit from the EU. It is the latest Japanese company to flag a move to the continent in response to Brexit and it comes after Prime Minister Shinzo Abe raised concerns over a no-deal Brexit. He said it could...
Brexit-backer Sir James Dyson is to relocate the Dyson head office from the UK to Singapore. The prominent Leaver revealed that the island city-state will become the company’s registered headquarters and tax base. The headquarters will switch from Malmesbury, Wiltshire, in a move that is said to be unrelated to Britain's upcoming departure from the European Union. Chief executive Jim Rowan said: "The move is nothing to do with Brexit or tax, it’s about making sure we are future proofed....
Rationalist vs Leave theory that exiting the EU means "taking back control". – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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