Liam Fox is struggling to sign off trade agreements in time for Brexit and he hasn't got long left. Fox faced some heavy criticism today in the Commons over the issue, as the EU departure date approaches. The International Trade Secretary had previously promised that his department would have 40 free trade agreements ready to sign “one minute after midnight” on the day the UK leaves the EU. However, a leaked document from his department, handed to The Sun, showed that just...
Ford Motor Co have stepped up preparations to move production out of Britain due to Brexit uncertainty. The automaker told the prime minister during a private call with business leaders that it is preparing alternative sites abroad, The Times has reported. The company's representative said on the call: "This isn’t about contingencies any more - we are taking steps because of the uncertainty. It’s real." Ford, which operates two engine plants in Britain, last month said that it faces a bill...
MPs could be faced with a choice between backing Theresa May's deal or facing a lengthy delay, the Prime Minister's chief EU negotiator was overheard saying last night. Olly Robbins is reported to have told colleagues that the government's strategy is to offer MPs a choice in March between a deal and a delay. His conversation was picked up by ITV News Correspondent Angus Walker and his cameraman in a hotel bar in Brussels. Walker said: "During the conversation, there were suggestions...
An empty homes tax has the potential to generate income for local councils, reduce demand from foreign investors and increase housing affordability, according to a new study
Business Secretary Greg Clark refused to rule out imposing zero tariffs which would ‘rip the heart’ out of UK manufacturing. Today in Parliament Louise Haigh MP asked the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy if he agreed zero tariffs “leave us open to a flood of cheap imports driving down wages and costing jobs?” Greg Clarke replied: “No decision has yet been taken on that . Imposing zero tariffs would be a disaster for UK’s proud manufacturing...
The DVLA will be auctioning off COR87N (Corbyn) at its first sale of 2019, which takes place in Chesterfield on Wednesday
A video of a Leave-voting expat who bought his Spanish holiday home after the referendum has been making the rounds on social media after he realised an end to free movement would apply to him too. Dave, who bought a holiday home in Spain after voting to leave, says he would vote to remain if there was a second referendum. Explaining the reasons behind his change of heart, he said freedom of movement in Europe for "proper Europeans" was among...
It has been some time in coming but eventually the Conservative Party has accepted that there is a link between the roll-out of Universal Credit and the increase usage of food banks, by those in desperate need of basic food and living supplies. Amber Rudd accepted that huge increase in food bank usage has, in some part, been caused by UC. Until today senior Tories have flatly denied that this was the case. The number of emergency food parcels handed...
Theresa May wrote to Jeremy Corbyn last night and rejected the Labour leader's call for the UK to stay in a permanent customs union with the EU. She has effectively ruled out Labour’s ideas for a compromise Brexit plan. The PM stressed her objections to keeping the UK in some form of customs union, as this would prevent the UK making its own trade deals. This decision comes as business groups are warning that with under than 50 days to... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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