Financial services optimism falls at fastest pace since financial crisis

Sentiment and volumes are deteriorating sharply in the financial services sector, with various indicators at their lowest since the Financial Crisis of 2008, according to the latest CBI/PwC Financial Services Survey. The quarterly survey of 84 firms found that optimism about the overall business situation in the financial services sector plunged sharply, falling at the quickest pace since December 2008. Optimism has now been flat or falling for over three years. Business volumes fell for a second consecutive quarter, and...

Theresa May asked for resignation date as vote on her Brexit deal unlikely now

Theresa May is facing unprecedented pressure to announce a resignation date – even by her standards. The beleaguered PM who not long ago fought an election with the slogan “strong and stable” has been significantly weakened now the government has admitted it may not be try to push her Brexit deal through the House of Commons next week after all. The government is looking unlikely to command a majority of MPs if such a vote was forced on MPs a...

It’s a knockout: Alternative Brexit plans to be tabled if May’s deal gets defeated again

MPs could vote on as many as seven alternatives if Theresa May's deal gets defeated for the third time in parliament next week. HuffPost UK has reported that the Prime Minister's deputy, David Lidington has floated the idea of holding so-called ‘indicative votes’ on a string of Brexit plans under the alternative vote (AV) system. They could include revoking Article 50, a second referendum or going with a no deal. Other potential options to be tabled are thought to be...

MP blames Theresa May after he is attacked in the street over Brexit

A remain-supporting MP has blamed Theresa May after he was attacked in the street the day after the PM blamed MPs for the failure of Brexit. The PM had “whipped up fear and division” in the country, said the MP attacked in the street on Thursday afternoon. Lloyd Russell-Moyle was attacked on the street by a man calling him “traitor,” damaging his glasses and trying to hit him as the Brighton Kemptown MP was with an ITV News news crew....

Brexit petition set to break record “by end of today” as 3 million sign in 48 hours

A petition calling for the government to revoke Article 50 has hit three million signatures and is set to surpass the previous record by the end of the day today. Millions of people have added their name to the petition in the last 48 hours after Theresa May delivered a disheartening speech to the nation earlier this week. Nine in ten Brits now say her handling of the Brexit negotiations a “national humiliation", with just seven per cent saying it...

Brexit 9/4 to not take place for at least 3 years

Odds on a three year delay to Brexit have plummeted with bookmakers now pricing it at 9/4. April-June 2019 is still the most likely Brexit date at just 11/10, with the much trumpeted official leaving date of 29th March now a very unlikely 10/1. But according to Betway the second favourite is now for no Brexit before 2022. Alan Alger said: “Theresa May’s last gasp trip to Europe for a crisis summit has offered a chance of an extension, but...

Brexit: A six-point guide to why the UK’s unresolved EU exit plans are weighing on its credit rating

The EU’s agreement of a short extension of Article 50 reduces the likelihood of a no-deal ‘Brexident’ next week. Even if Scope has expected the UK to avoid a no-deal exit, the consequences of prolonged uncertainty for the UK’s credit ratings are growing. The EU agreed Thursday to a short Article 50 extension until 22 May, less than the UK’s request for an extension to 30 June and conditional on the Brexit deal being approved in the UK Parliament next...

Theresa May gives MPs a “clear choice” on Brexit

Theresa May has returned to the UK with a "clear choice" on Brexit following eight hours of talks with EU leaders. Brexit will be delayed until 22 May if MPs approve her deal next week, but there will be a much shorter delay - until 12 April - if they do not approve it. In that eventuality the UK must set out its next steps or leave without a deal. MPs are expected to vote for a third time on the...

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