Former Ukip leader Nigel Farage has launched a rival, "similar" but "different" party to Ukip - which he brands "tarnished" by the far right. Farage will head the Brexit Party (which sounds like something he hoped to celebrate with red, white and blue bunting last month) to fight to sit as an MEP again in the European Parliament he is campaigning for the UK to leave. But though he's registered to stand as a European Parliament candidate, he forgot to...
Jeremy Corbyn has defended Julian Assange and has demanded that America's request for him to be extradited is denied. Corbyn said that Assange had been the target of the USA because he was “exposing evidence of atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan". His comments, in a tweet on Thursday night, came hours after Assange was found guilty at Westminster Magistrates Court of breaching bail conditions. The extradition of Julian Assange to the US for exposing evidence of atrocities in Iraq and...
Switzerland has overturned a nationwide referendum after it was found that voters were not given full information. The Swiss, who run numerous referendums to dictate government policy, held the poll in February 2016 to decide whether married couples and co-habiting partners should pay the same tax. Voters rejected the proposal, with 50.8 per cent against and 49.2 per cent in favour. But the supreme court has now voided the result on the grounds that voters were not given full information,...
EU leaders announced a flexible delay until October 31, Donald Tusk, president of the European Council imploring “our British friends” not to “waste this time.” The deadline is flexible, giving the UK just about enough time to change its Brexit strategy, hold an election, a referendum, or revoke Article 50. But if the UK is still in the EU on June 1, Britain will have to participate in the May European Parliament elections like all other EU countries – which...
Brexit uncertainty continued to subdue the London housing market in March, according to the RICS UK Residential Market Survey, March 2019. Looking ahead, the lack of momentum is likely to persist for a while longer, although respondents still envisage modest improvements in activity twelve months ahead. In March, enquiries from new buyers saw the seventh negative reading in a row, with 16% of respondents seeing a fall rather than a rise in buyer demand in London. Significantly, demand fell across...
Britain's most notorious stink-bomber Bill Phillips, 80, was fined £10 in 1973 after a smelly joke bomb he threw at then PM Ted Heath missed – and hit the Queen.
As Brexit chaos continues onto another day it appears that Labour have pulled ahead in the polls. A new voting intention poll shows the Conservatives have dropped 9 points since March to 32 per cent of the vote, while Labour has gained 4 points to 35 per cent. Kantar’s research finds that remaining in the EU/ Revoking Article 50 is the most popular outcome for the public, with one in three saying this is their most favourable scenario. Leaving the...
Former Blue Peter presenter Konnie Huq burst into tears as she spoke at an event calling for a second Brexit referendum yesterday. The prominent campaigner admitted she ‘couldn’t believe’ she was crying during a passionate speech at the People’s Vote Rally in Church House, Westminster. Huq said Brexit will be an "unforgivable betrayal" as she campaigned alongside politicians including Baroness Betty Boothroyd. A video of the ex-Commons speaker has gone viral on social media as she made an emotional plea...
Stephen Fry has performed another fact-based assessment of what Britain really wants in his latest Brexit video. Calling out mainstream politicians for peddling inaccurate polling data he takes aim at Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson and Ian Duncan Smith in an honest appraisal of the current political landscape. The majority of polls suggest that Britain has changed its mind on Brexit since the referendum, yet that hasn’t stopped Brexiteers using polling data to support their cause. Fry calls Ian Duncan Smith... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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