Signs that European customers are "abandoning" UK firms are starting to show after British manufacturing recorded the steepest downturn in almost three years. Following an early Brexit stockpiling boom at the start of the year May figures dipped significantly for UK manufacturers with new orders drying up. Make UK - formerly known as the EEF – said the downturn shows investment plans have been "paralysed" by Brexit uncertainty in the second quarter of the year, warning that a 'no deal'...
Daniel Hannan has been lauded for prophesying an eventuality in which every Conservative MP loses their seat, a Lib-Lab government cancels Brexit and the House of Lords is scrapped. The prominent Leave campaigner and Conservative MEP tweeted his “horrible” vision of the future after the latest polls gave the Brexit Party a four point lead with Labour close behind. But rather than provoke outrage he received an overwhelming degree of support for his nightmarish vision, which was roundly welcomed by...
This could be quite awkward for Boris Johnson, the Led By Donkeys anti-Brexit group has projected a previous and less-than-flattering message about Donald Trump onto Big Ben. Trump seems to have forgotten (or simply missed) these comments as now they have a close relationship. The US President said of Johnson, regarding his visit to the UK: “I think I may meet with him. He’s been a friend of mine... I have a very good relationship with him.” However in 2015 Johnson has this...
Gyula Zoltan Remes, 43, was found unconscious in the tunnel near Westminster tube station on December 19th last year, an inquest heard
Nigel Farage is expected to tell Donald Trump to “keep his nose out of the Brexit debate” in keeping with prior warnings given to US presidents. The Brexit Party leader warned Barack Obama to stay out of Britain’s EU referendum when the former President visited the UK in 2016. He wrote to the White House telling the President he should not comment on the Brexit debate at the time, and is expected to be consistent with his beliefs after Donald...
President Donald Trump has landed at Stansted Airport in Essex for a controversial three day state visit with first lady Melania Trump. Before Air Force One even touched down, the President of the United States faced a protest against his reckless policy on climate change. An environmental protestor mowed a giant penis into a field near the airport. The image, which is accompanied by the message "Oi Trump" was left by 18-year old student, environmentalist and entrepreneur Ollie Nancarrow, mowed...
Donald Trump has taken an early swipe at the London Mayor as he arrived into London this morning. The US president dubbed Sadiq Khan “nasty” in a nod to similar comments made about the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle. He also described him as a “stone cold loser” who has done a “terrible job as Mayor of London”. Air Force One touched down in Stansted just before 9am this morning, and the President didn’t hold back in fielding some early...
Who wants to step into Theresa May’s shoes when she has looked so comfortable in them while attempting to deliver the undeliverable Brexit mess her party created? Arranged below - in order of likelihood, according to political bookies - are the usual and unusual suspects. - Some have been sharpening knifes for such a long time they are pretty much transparent - and others appear to have a lot more confidence in themselves than their Conservative colleagues do. But first,...
Sam Gyimah has become the 13th contender to succeed Theresa May as Prime Minister, vowing to “break the Brexit deadlock." The former Minister for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation called for an innovative solution to parliament’s Brexit impasse, condemning the other contenders for the top job for having a “very narrow” set of views on Brexit. “While there is a broad sweep of opinion in the country on how we move forward at this critical time that is not being... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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