Rising inequality is putting Britain on the path to becoming one of the most unequal nations on earth, a Nobel-prize winning economist has claimed. Sir Angus Deaton is leading a landmark review of inequality in the UK amid fears that the country is at a tipping point due to a decade of stagnant pay growth for British workers. The Institute for Fiscal Studies thinktank, which is working with Deaton on the study, says Britain is on track to “follow the...
Protestors pelted UKIP election candidate Carl Benjamin and his tour bus with milkshakes in THREE separate locations over the weekend. Benjamin has been visiting multiple sites in the South West on the campaign trail trying to spread the UKIP message and win over potential voters to the anti-Brexit right wing party. But he has been greeted with a chucked milkshake on three consecutive days in Totnes and Plymouth, in Devon, and Truro, Cornwall. And the Ukipper even had dead fish...
A sand artist has paid graphic homage to Brexit and the Prime Minister's precarious state - with a giant sculpture of Theresa May losing her head under a falling guillotine. The controversial sculpture depicts a large globe with a horrified looking May in the centre, throwing her head under a falling guillotine with Brexit written across it. Outside of Europe on the sandy globe, Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump both sit rubbing their hands together with glee as they watch...
Shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer has said any Brexit deal struck between the government and Labour will not make it through the House of Commons without the pledge of a "confirmatory" referendum. Theresa May is set to continue talks with Labour today in a bid to end the political impasse surrounding Brexit. But given that no party has a majority in the Commons the deal could still get stuck unless a second referendum is put on the cards. Speaking...
The UK’s super rich are preparing to leave the UK should Jeremy Corbyn enter Downing Street, a Sunday Times investigation has revealed. A record 151 billionaires were recorded on the paper’s Rich List this year, a 9.2 per cent rise on last year with a combined wealth of nearly £525 billion. But the prospect of a Labour government could spark a potential exodus, with tax increases prompting the wealthy to move their money out of the UK. Jeremy Corbyn's party...
New analysis by Centre for London has revealed that London’s local authority budgets have dropped by nearly a fifth (17 per cent) per head over the last eight years, with inner London boroughs hit the hardest. The analysis found that all principal service areas, with the exception of children’s social care, have seen budget reductions, with planning and development, highways and transport and cultural activity budgets facing the largest cuts. Taking London’s population growth into account, councils have seen an...
Tony Blair has called on anti-Brexit Labour voters to back pro-Remain parties in the upcoming European Parliament elections to stop Nigel Farage’s party running riot. The former Prime Minister told Sky’s Sophy Ridge On Sunday that it is “important the anti-Brexit side is larger and stronger than the Farage side” in the elections, saying: “I do come across people who cannot vote for Labour, in which case I say ‘don’t stay at home – vote for any of the other...
The UK’s two-party political system could become a thing of the past in the next General Election as the Conservatives cling on to second place by their fingertips, the latest voting intention figures show. Labour currently leads in the polls by a hefty margin, but the field is closing behind them. The Brexit party is polling at 21 per cent of the vote, one point behind the Conservatives who are wallowing on 22 per cent. The European Parliament elections are...
The BBC has been criticised for cancelling last night’s episode of Have I Got News For You because it featured Change UK MP Heidi Allen. The broadcaster said it was “inappropriate” to air a show featuring the leader of a political party ahead of the European Parliament Elections – even though Brexit party leader Nigel Farage was given airtime on Question Time the night before. Have I Got News For You tweeted: “Sorry everyone. The BBC have pulled tonight’s edition...
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