“It is disgusting that Ann Widdecombe would reference slavery and colonisation to describe our relationship with the EU. Her and Farage are bankrolled by elites – she’s part of the establishment which has created such a divide in this country.”
A new poll puts Jeremy Corbyn’s party in fourth place with just 18 per cent of the vote.
"A confidential cabinet note apparently says that the government is not prepared for no deal and NHS Trusts have warned it will pose a major risk to NHS services... Make UK, representing British manufacturers recently said there is a direct link between politicans talking up the prospect of no-deal and British firms losing customers overseas and people losing their jobs”.
It shows that the second chamber is becoming even more out of touch with the public, creating a haven for the privileged where voters can’t kick them out.
This really takes the biscuit.
The picture shows a fraction of the Nazi party turning away from a speech in parliament shortly after they became the second-largest party in the Reichstag.
Philip Hammond also expressed his dislike for ‘ad hoc’ spending or tax-cut commitments, in an apparent nod to the Tory leadership race.
The two men are vying to be prime minister.
“I know I’m visibly different. I don’t have the privilege to hide my identity. I’m BLACK & my name is Magid. I don’t intend to try fit in. Get used to it!”
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