Capita has confirmed a £525 million outsourcing contract with MoD after rival Serco withdrew its year-long legal challenge
An EU spokeswoman said the Isle of Man kipper case described by Mr Johnson falls ‘purely under UK national competence’.
Ice pillow legislation is a British rule that is lauded by most producers because it lowers the risk of Listeria in smoked products.
‘This is what fascism looks like.’
Officials were responding to claims that plans had been drawn up to slaughter millions of sheep.
We expected a "Harry Potter-like book of tricks", instead they were like Lance Corporal Jones from Dad's Army.
The move echoed a Conservative Party conference in 2014 when Johnson wielded a brick to emphasise that London’s growth benefits other parts of the country.
Trump 2020 rally in Greenville, North Carolina, chant “SEND HER BACK, SEND HER BACK” in what has been described as one of the most “chilling and horrifying things” in politics.
It is hoped that anti-Brexit parties will agree to stand aside for one another in seats at the next general election, in order to maximise the chances of a pro-Remain candidate winning. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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