Theresa May leaves Downing Street as one of the shortest-serving prime ministers for more than 100 years, having created an anti-iimigrant hostile environment as Home Secretary that poisoned her country, her party, and her political career.
Hammond has been consistently sounding warnings about the economic danger of Johnson pursuing a no-deal Brexit.
The image was accompanied by the words: ‘Your Majesty, your new prime minister is a liar’.
The political strategist will be one of the first people installed within Boris Johnson's new team.
The comms team staffer branded his former boss a “selfish, degenerate p****”, saying he was the “most morally bankrupt person I have ever met”.
The Brexit Party leader said the new PM should realise he will need an election to get EU withdrawal through the Commons.
“During the campaign he lied a lot to the British people. I need a partner with whom I can negotiate and who is clear, credible and reliable.”
During the leadership campaign, Johnson said he would scrap the Irish backstop and hold back the UK’s £39bn financial settlement until the EU agreed a comprehensive trade deal.
The Scottish First Minister spoke out after the former foreign secretary was announced as the new leader of the Conservative Party. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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