The new Prime Minister spoke out on his first visit north of the border since taking over from Theresa May.
P&O Ferries has sued the Department for Transport.
“It’s a terrific one for our opponents," a Brexit Party spokesperson said. "I’m sure they could come up with some phenomenal metaphors"
The First Minister spoke out as she prepared to meet the Prime Minister in Scotland.
The executive at the Northern Ireland assembly collapsed in January 2017 and it is still unclear whether a resolution will be found by the Brexit deadline.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has set up cabinet committees focused on the Brexit agenda.
But even with more work ‘some aspects cannot be mitigated’, the group said.
If Spain takes the same stance British expats living in Benidorm may be in trouble.
The manufacturer’s only other UK factory is in Luton, where it builds vans. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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