Mock designs have already been released, including one that reads: “Ideologists trashed my economy for no good reason and all I got was this shitty coin”
Theresa May has performed better than Winston Churchill.
Fully qualified nurses start on a salary of £24,214.
The former Vote Leave mastermind has openly criticised the “absurd subsidies” paid out by the EU.
The retired teacher was filmed scrawling the words, “Brexit is based on lies. Reject it” on the wall of a school playing field.
The power cuts caused travel chaos and cut electricity for almost one million across areas including London and the South East.
Transport minister George Freeman said a long period of trading under WTO rules could keep the Tories out of office for two decades.
Special advisers were emailed by Johnson’s senior adviser Edward Lister on Thursday night saying no holiday should be booked until 31 October.
"You can't 'cope' if the product isn't in the UK," he said. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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