“The idea of leaving the EU to take back more control into Parliament and to consider the idea of closing Parliament to do that is the most extraordinary idea I've ever heard”, she had said in June.
“If you enjoy clowns my advice is go to the circus, don’t put them in No 10, in charge of our country", the shadow chancellor said.
Proroguing Parliament "reinforces the view that the Government may not have the confidence of the House for its Brexit policy."
The clip has gone viral after the Portuguese woman pleaded to be made part of the process.
“Goes against everything that those men who waded on to those beaches fought and died for” - Matt Hancock insisted just weeks ago.
The Queen has approved the Prime Minister’s request for Parliament to be prorogued for 32 days, the longest suspension in modern memory.
The move has sparked fierce criticism from across the political divide.
The Prime Minister will temporarily close down the Commons from the second week of September until October 14.
Party leader Arlene Foster said the prorogation would also provide an opportunity to review the confidence and supply agreement with the Tories.
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