One of Mr Farage’s main donors also switched his allegiance to the Tories and announced he would now be supporting Boris Johnson at the election.
"I don't know how much more of this I can take. We have to get the Tories out", the heartfelt note reads.
The outgoing president of the European Commission said he regretted not campaigning in the referendum to counter the many lies told by Johnson and co.
The veteran campaigner was a surprise successor to the Labour leadership, but has since cemented his role at the helm.
These are the battleground constituencies that will decide the next general election.
The Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, has called for the report to be published, questioning what the government has to hide.
The remarks, made in 2014, have since been deleted.
"I want the country to know the sheer extent of Labour betrayal", he said.
A message above the clock now reads: “Time since we should have left the EU if Labour, Lib Dems and the SNP hadn’t blocked Brexit.” – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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