David Cameron first set immigration targets in 2010, saying that if he won an election he would limit net migration to the "tens of thousands", a promise they have never delivered.
"People are living on the streets. Kids are living on the streets. Nobody gives a fuck. Nobody," he said.
Yorkshire and the Humber MEP Magid Magid urged the party to “do the right thing” as time is running out and attacked the Lib Dems for splitting the opposition so “aggressively”, adding "It’s almost like they are more concerned with stopping Corbyn than stopping Brexit.
Chris Davies was previously ousted as an MP for Brecon and Radnorshire after more than 10,000 people signed a recall petition to remove him.
The move could hamper Tory efforts to win a majority, as Mr Farage risks splitting the pro-Brexit vote between his party and the Conservatives.
“The Conservative Party is the Brexit Party”, he claimed.
The ex-justice secretary warned that even if Johnson wanted to extend the transition period to negotiate a new free trade deal with the EU, he would be unable to do so.
The results are consistent with a general uptick in positive sentiment across the continent.
Liberal Democrat leader suggests a secret election deal was agreed between Johnson and Farage.
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