Not since Ramsay MacDonald has a sitting Prime Minister tried to hold such a marginal seat.
Jeremy Corbyn said the plans will bring communities together in an “inclusive and connected society”.
He claimed that in future English clubs will be able to decide based on “talent, rather than because they’re in Europe as opposed to the rest of the world”.
"I predicted that Brexit would be a s***show and so it proved", Count Binface said.
The PM’s campaign visit to Glastonbury was diverted to Wells amid security concerns over an Extinction Rebellion protest outside the original venue.
Polling expert Sir John Curtice said the General Election ‘is an unpopularity contest’ as far as the two main parties are concerned.
It comes as food bank usage soars and the NHS reaches crisis point.
Andrew Griffiths said he would throw his backing behind the new candidate, but Kate Griffiths said she would she not be taking up his offer.
Brandon Lewis added that Number 10 will publish the controversial report ‘once the election is out of the way’. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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