The Labour leader says he is offering the most ‘ambitious and radical’ election manifesto in decades.
Johnson said there is "absolutely no evidence that I’ve ever seen of any Russian interference in UK democratic processes", a statement refuted by FactCheck.
Riley overlooks Boris Johnson calling black people “piccaninnies” with “watermelon smiles” and Muslims "letterboxes" to smear Jeremy Corbyn at an anti-racism rally.
“Everybody just says it’s the Government as if it’s this sort of like bland blob that you know, you can just go and blame.”
“The withdrawal agreement is much worse than remain frankly,” Ben Habib explained, adding “under Boris Johnson’s deal we are going to leave Northern Ireland bereft.”
Corbyn calls the fresh plans a “manifesto of hope” that are “fully costed”, involving no tax increases for 95% of taxpayers.
Amy Dalla Mura was warned she could face jail
Justin Welby and John Sentamu said "we all have a responsibility to speak accurately, to challenge falsehoods when we hear them".
Mr Corbyn was seen as more trustworthy, more likeable and more in touch with ordinary people by undecided voters than by the electorate as a whole. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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